[SOURCE AVAILABLE]yet another skydome

I keep wondering why we are supporting jME 1.0 anymore anyways??

If there is something that needs to be ported to jME 2.0 it should be done (forum code could just be reposted as a reply), I know this seems harsh (and may actually break some peoples work); but lets face it jME 1.0 is dead and we are just making tomorrow more difficult by procrastinating.

(PLEASE correct me if I am wrong here, or something I have overlooked :).  Maybe someone should start a vote/topic on the subject…)


I really like the look of the star/sun/moon placement with this skybox.

I updated the code to work in jme 2.0, at least compile without error. But when I am using it, I see there is a call to update, but no call for rendering?

The skybox that the code is based off of has a dome.update() and dome.render() call…

How do we render this skybox? Or should it just work to draw the rootNode of the state? (In which case I have something else wrong)

Furthermore, I see the flare1-4 pngs inside JME2/src, but are there any moon/sun textures that you have for free ? :0) And without any textures we should still see the skycolor rendered right? ( I set the skycolor to green to see if it was rendering, but I get my terrain, and just a black sky. )


Not that I use it but I think it just gets attached to the root node (or any other node that is getting rendered)…

neakor said:

nice to c someone is actually making improvements on my code. great work! :D

i just started rewriting the original skydome i wrote a while ago and theres alot more features supported in this new version. i should be able to get it done by tomorrow and ill surely post it here.

Did you ever get this finished and if so would you still release it?? Not that this isn't great work, a lot of ppl are using it now it seems, but having something by a 'seasoned pro' would be preferred :).

Attaching it to the rootNode doesnt seem to be the only necessary step.

Like I said, I haven't used this; but it LOOKS you just call this method and attach the returned Node to your rootNode…

   public Node getSkyDomeNode() {
      return skyDomeNode;

I UNDERSTAND that you havent used it. Perhaps someone that has can answer my Q.

I used the setRootNode of the api, and it did not succeed alone, obviously I have done something wrong. So I was inquiring for a working example, particularily from jme_noob, or anyone else that has a success story with the tool.

the skydome have an update method…

so just call it during the updatecycle

   protected void simpleUpdate() {
      dome.update(cam.getLocation(), tpf, 0, 0, 7);

I have a question about this skydome, I'm currently porting it to Ardor3D, and have found hazeColor, but can't see that it is applied to the dome, so I'm assuming the value is used for a fog state on the outside rim of the dome, am I right?