Spaghetti windows being clipped in your screenshot

I noticed in the screenshot that the spag windows are clipped at the tops… dont know if you realized it or not. It really bugged me so i modified the spag code to default to a non-clipped window. I think Cas made them clipped by default because of the scoreboard at the top of his Alien Flux game. Anyway, if you want a full window you have to either setClipped(false) on every Component or change the default in the Component class to false (variable is called clipped).

I hadn’t noticed - at the time I was just happy they rendered with JME. I know I need to do something about the gaps in the windows. I thought the clipping of the text might have something to do with the fonts I created (or rather the ones princec suggested in that posting regarding the resources file at the puppygames forum).

At the moment I’m trying to get the radiobuttons to work. Can’t seem to work out how show to the ButtonGroup I put them in. Need to go back & check if they are used in AF I think.

Thanks for your stuff & postings. :slight_smile:

Once I get some more stuff working I’ll send you a private message with my email so I can send you my source if you like.

cool… i haven’t played with radio buttons yet, but will be playing with this stuff over the next few weeks for a bigger projcet - if the project is a go, it will be a wysiwyg editor for spaghetti interfaces… you’ll have a pallete of spaghetti widgets that you can drag and drop all over the place, link together visually, etc. it will all be open source too… will keep the board posted in case anyone is interested.

about the clipping: the text and windows being cut off is because of the clipping being done to the Component, which is the base class of all of the spag widgets. i think there is a setClipped(boolean) method you can call, but you have to do that to every spag object you create… which is why i changed the source of Component :slight_smile: give it a try, you’ll see a big difference.

At the moment I’m trying to get as much functionality of Spag into JME.

Thanks for the Component stuff - I presume this is in a jar at the same URL you posted on puppygames :?

One thing I need to do is work out how to customise the look & feel of Spag so it doesn’t look like Alien Flux. First I need to use PhotoShop to work out how to create those type of pngs princec created, everything else seems fairly straightforward - I hope.

I would certainly be interested in your project. :slight_smile: Will it create the XML/resources file as you create to the GUI (classes) or would you have to do this first before anything else is done :? I really like the idea of creating individual classes for each Window, Dialog, etc… With a tool you could have limitless possibilities for craeting your own look & feel.

Thanks again! :slight_smile:

Princec has just posted over at puppygame details of how his new Spag framework is coming along:

I like the idea of the tool and can help out if needs be. I am thinking this is a kind of drag-n-drop tool where you can knock up screens quickly without going through the hassle of creating every widget programatically.


"Big_Bluey" wrote:
At the moment I'm trying to get as much functionality of Spag into JME.

Thanks for the Component stuff - I presume this is in a jar at the same URL you posted on puppygames :?

i can't remember what i posted over there :). if you have the source code it is in net.puppygames.gui.Component, otherwise you can see if your stuff is clipping with <some widget/window>.isClipped() and use <some widget/window>.setClipped(false) if it is - duh :)
"Big_Bluey" wrote:
One thing I need to do is work out how to customise the look & feel of Spag so it doesn't look like Alien Flux. First I need to use PhotoShop to work out how to create those type of pngs princec created, everything else seems fairly straightforward - I hope.

I don't think png are a requirement (at least not if you have the source code ;) ) ... but i think if you are using the Swing tools i wrote, i require pings }:)
"Big_Bluey" wrote:
I would certainly be interested in your project. :) Will it create the XML/resources file as you create to the GUI (classes) or would you have to do this first before anything else is done :? I really like the idea of creating individual classes for each Window, Dialog, etc..... With a tool you could have limitless possibilities for craeting your own look & feel.

I guess if it is to be a useful tool, it should work both ways... advanced users and use their own resource files, but if you just want the tool to do it for your, that shouldn't be a problem
"Big_Bluey" wrote:
Thanks again! :)
"Big_Bluey" wrote:
Princec has just posted over at puppygame details of how his new Spag framework is coming along:

cool, i hope it gets done soon
"tomcat" wrote:
I like the idea of the tool and can help out if needs be. I am thinking this is a kind of drag-n-drop tool where you can knock up screens quickly without going through the hassle of creating every widget programatically.


that's the idea - now i just have to do it