Stable "blender -> jmonkey" pipe wanted

I’m searching a way to setup blender-jmonkey pipe. The blender version is 2.5.9, nightly build sdk jmonkey is used.

I’ve tryed following pipes:

  • blender -> jmonkey direct and the most promising way.
    It totally doesn't work on 2.4.9b blender saves outputing the error:

    Loading obejct: Camera
    Camera created (W: 640, H: 480)
    Loading obejct: Cube
    Importing mesh.
    Loading material.
    Materials name: {0}
    Child (Cube1) attached to this node (Cube)
    Trying to save asset that has not been loaded before or does not support saving!
    Could not locate saved file.

    It doesn't work on 2.5.9 blender either with this output:

    Loading obejct: Camera
    Loading of constraints not yet implemented for version 2.5x !
    Camera created (W: 640, H: 480)
    Loading obejct: Cube
    Loading of constraints not yet implemented for version 2.5x !
    Importing mesh.
    Loading material.
    Materials name: {0}
    Loaded material definition: Phong Lighting
    Child (Cube1) attached to this node (Cube)

    link to the sample:
    But it can easily export primitive cube from blender 2.5.9

  • Blender -> blender2ogre -> ogre .scene -> jmonkey
    Doesn't work. It seems ogre importer needs .mesh, and .material files, but I have only .scene files.
    The error:

    Cannot locate material file Models/WithTextureAsset/tank_1.material
    Child (Cube) attached to this node (Models/WithTextureAsset/tank_1-scene_node)

  • Blender -> collada -> jmonkey
    Makes bunch of errors


    Loaded material definition: Phong Lighting
    Material parameter m_Ambient uses a deprecated naming convention use Ambient instead
    Material parameter m_UseMaterialColors uses a deprecated naming convention use UseMaterialColors instead
    Material parameter m_Diffuse uses a deprecated naming convention use Diffuse instead
    Material parameter m_UseMaterialColors uses a deprecated naming convention use UseMaterialColors instead
    Material parameter m_Specular uses a deprecated naming convention use Specular instead
    Material parameter m_UseMaterialColors uses a deprecated naming convention use UseMaterialColors instead

To my mind, I've tryed all available options.

I have pointed that all of your succeds with same task, what I can't figure is how.

As stated in the manual, blender 2.49 with the supplied OgreXML exporter (Tools->Install Blender OgreXML Exporter) is the path officially supported with alpha-4, see this document on creating compatible models:

blender 2.5+ is only supported in the nightly version of the sdk, either via the blender importer or the supplied ogrexml script, especially the blender importer is under heavy development though, hence complete information on its error output is probably most helpful.

I use Blender 2.59 and svn (or is it hg) version of that blender2ogre script (from google code,

Tested your tank and it works. In blender, export “Ogre3D (.scene and mesh)” , then you must uncheck “Separate Materials” (and if you didnt already selected that tank, uncheck “Export Selected Only” too).

Then drag’n’drop exported files (ie test.scene, test.material and Cube.mesh.xml to project assets (to the same directory, ie Models/ )). And should work.

(and easiest way is to modify that python script so it does not enable these options by default, so no need to uncheck them everytime)

It’s worked! Brilliance!

Thanks a lot, guys :slight_smile:

@Momoko_Fan: It looks the dotscene script provided by the OgreXmlTools isn’t working. I’ve installed it in my blender 2.59, and when I export my models, an error occurs. Then I’ve downloaded the lastest script from googlecode “” and it works.

Don’t get the preview versions, get the stable version