Static objects overlapping OK?

Hey all,

I’m throwing around ideas for a new game using the physics engine. I see lots of documentation saying I should never have objects overlapping – but what about two static objects? For example, if I create two boxes, set their mass to zero / kinetics to false, and have them overlap a bit – is it going to create a processing nightmare? Will dynamic objects hitting them operate as expected?


  • Jeremy

That should be ok from all I know. In some situations (e.g. a mobile object hitting the overlap point with high velocity) you might get some odd behavior but thats nothing to worry about, mesh-mesh collisions don’t happen in bullet anyway.

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OK, I’ll give it a go. Thank you for the prompt response!

@normen said:
That should be ok from all I know. In some situations (e.g. a mobile object hitting the overlap point with high velocity) you _might_ get some odd behavior but thats nothing to worry about, mesh-mesh collisions don't happen in bullet anyway.

What about gimpact - gimpact collisions?

gimpact is a special case, its not normal bullet meshes. They should behave like other non-static objects but their CPU tax is really prohibitive.

Well yes for more than one or two probably, (also their only advantage would be dynamic mesh collisions wich are rarly ever needed.))

Its about making concave objects mostly and you can achieve that by combining convex ones as well.