Stretched images on particle emitters

I’m not sure how I just noticed this, but smoke trail style emitters seem to stretch the smoke trail out of proportion. I tried playing around with every particle emitter setting and i cant seem to fix it. (the image x y parameter is correctly set to 1 and 3)

Is there a way to solve this issue?


your tiles as to be square tiles.

hmm, i was assuming there was a way to do this, because one of the particle textures in jme3-testdata is of a a similiar manner (smoke trails not in square tiles). Not end of the world i was just a little confused though.

@icamefromspace said: hmm, i was assuming there was a way to do this, because one of the particle textures in jme3-testdata is of a a similiar manner (smoke trails not in square tiles). Not end of the world i was just a little confused though.

But those are stretched… so perhaps you need to describe what you mean by stretched and what you were expecting instead.

by stretched i mean not in proportion of the original image. I assumed it was possible because of the texture in the jme3 data, (not sure why that texture is even there if it really isnt a useful texture for the particle emitter).

I was just experimenting with the particle emitter, there wasnt something specific i was trying to achieve. Just confused by the textures in the test data.

thanks for the responses, atleast i know whats going on.

@icamefromspace said: by stretched i mean not in proportion of the original image. I assumed it was possible because of the texture in the jme3 data, (not sure why that texture is even there if it really isnt a useful texture for the particle emitter).

I was just experimenting with the particle emitter, there wasnt something specific i was trying to achieve. Just confused by the textures in the test data.

thanks for the responses, atleast i know whats going on.

I ran the test that uses that image and the explosion looks ok to me. I’ve even dismantled it to see just that effect before (I’m using it in Monkey Trap) and it looked ok to me.