Suggestion on selected spatial(s) effect

For a little project (and to experiment and familiarize myself with JME), I have made a first-person level editor. Now, one “tool” in this editor allows creating geometries and select/manipulate them (translation, rotation, scaling). At first, I used the lighting material and I applied a “GlowColor” to it so the selected geometries would glow different colors (depending on their respective textures), but now I’d like to replace this code with imported models.

So I am considering these options, but I am not sure how to implement either of them :

  • make the model semi-transparent
  • draw a contour (a solid line stroke) around the model
  • render the model’s wireframe on top of the textures

  • I am open to suggestions. How should I proceed with this?

Well for the semi-transparent one you could just apply a semi-transparent texture…

Let say I load a model imported from Blender or 3DMax, how would I apply that semi-transparent texture?

@yanick said:
- make the model semi-transparent

Very easy to achieve, however conceptually you're making the object you're trying to focus attention on, harder to see - so not a great solution.

@yanick said:
- draw a contour (a solid line stroke) around the model

I would start by looking at Toon Effect

@yanick said:
- render the model's wireframe on top of the textures

easy enough.

@yanick said:
- …

- boost the ambient lighting on the selected geometries ?
- RimLight

@yanick said:
how would I apply that semi-transparent texture?

make sure you have gone through all the tutorials and the documentation, transparency is thoroughly covered.
@thetoucher said:

- boost the ambient lighting on the selected geometries ?
- RimLight

OMG! I had forgotten about that one! Thanks for posting! ;)
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Try this example: