Support for geometry and tesselation shaders (diff)

I m reviving this topic to keep track of something important.

I ve tryed to make a Tesselation Shader and sucessed but the GeometryBatchFactory crash since it as no support for Mesh.Mode.Patch and The same crash happen with Ray Collision getting a UnsupportedOperationException();

Is there any other way to do Ray Collision? Or do i need to write my own Ray and Batching class?

public WrappedIndexBuffer(Mesh mesh){
    super(mesh.getVertexCount(), mesh.getMode());
    this.ib = mesh.getIndexBuffer();
    switch (meshMode){
        case Points:
            numIndices = mesh.getTriangleCount();
        case Lines:
        case LineLoop:
        case LineStrip:
            numIndices = mesh.getTriangleCount() * 2;
        case Triangles:
        case TriangleStrip:
        case TriangleFan:
            numIndices = mesh.getTriangleCount() * 3;
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); 
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