Terrain Quad Problems

Hello JME community, how are you all? ^.^

I am having a couple of problems with the terrain lighting material & wondered if there was anyone who could shed some light on my issue. When I apply a normal map to my ‘cobble’ texture, The path turns dark but the other textures appear normal. If I comment out the normal map line then all the textures are dark. I am using one ambient & one directional light.


left: no textures have normal maps

right: path texture has a normal map


When one texture has a normalmap all other textures also need normal maps.

This is my experience…

…and you can create a normal map from a color map with the SDK’s image editor (right-click the image to open it with the editor)

Thanks, did not know that you could make normal maps from the SDK aswell, where is the uh, the function to do this, I cannot find it?

EDIT: found it, but when I save the image is not in the directory I saved it to

EDIT #2: this is just common sense, i’ll try not to be an idiot before I post next time, thanks :stuck_out_tongue:

Open image in SDK by right-clicking, top-left of the image window click on Filters → Bump Map → choose appropriate option.

This will open the image in a different window. Right-click on that image’s tab, click on Save Document…

Bah. All that typing just for nothing. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok, i applied a normal map to all textures but everything is still dark, it just isnt illuminated by the directional light. What is this, i don’t even?

Your base texture needs a normal map if some textures on top of it have one. I’m not entirely sure why it has this darkening effect (as it does get a default upwards normal), maybe one of the shader experts can shed some light on it (ha ha).

@Sploreg said:
Your base texture needs a normal map if some textures on top of it have one. I'm not entirely sure why it has this darkening effect (as it does get a default upwards normal), maybe one of the shader experts can shed some light on it (ha ha).

Thanks, but the only other textures I have are the height & splat maps...? What do you mean by the base textures?

sorry, I mean the first texture layer needs a normal map and it should look better then.

Yes, my three textures have normal maps. It appears that only places where the terrain is completely flat the directional light is not shown. If I knew GLSL I would just mess with the shader but seriously I am dependent on you guys :stuck_out_tongue: