Terrain Side Project Video [Updated with 3 Adventure Videos]

[ Adventure videos ]


I’ve been really crook for a few days, so while taking a break from my HexEngine work I knocked out a quick terrain side project. it’s purely procedural, infinite, and has a rough LOD system. All the geometry is crunched on the CPU, so it can be nicely pre cached or stored. The scene has one directional light, one ambient, and hand full of post effects. The terrain plays nicely with physics. I deliberately pushed the limits to see how complicated I could get the terrain before it started tearing apart and breaking off into the air. No normal maps yet, the geometry has normals but I screwed up the Triplanar normal map.


(watching at 1080p will give you a-happy-a-feelings)

YouTube kindly murdered the colours yet again :) This does not use voxels so don't ask me voxel related questions.


very nice James!!!

This is really cool :slight_smile:

Some alpha blended textures and normal maps and this would look even more amazing!

How long have you been into computer graphics?

@thetoucher said:(...) This does not use voxels so don't ask me voxel related questions.

How come the video says "Voxel Terrain" then?
it’s purely procedural, infinite, and has a rough LOD system.

Marching cubes based?

really cool terrain. Any chance of making it open source ?

Very cool. How about the floating bits of terrain, will that be removed?

awesoweness! dont forget about your JME brothers and sisters :smiley:

Nice terrain generation you have there. You developed the algorithm for that also?

Everyone interested in generating terrain should have read this:


If you do the Perlin Noise right (that was my main failure reason^^) you can generate very decent terrain even on the CPU.

@nehon cheers.

@kwando thanks. I agree. I’ve been using jMonkey for just over a year, so I guess that long.

@erlend_sh it’s a typo.

@KayTrance Marching tetrahedrons, so more or less.

@tralala thanks. dunno, perhaps.

@staugaard thanks. I have a few techniques in mind to remove them, or I could just lower how extreme it is.

@oxplay2 cheers.

@shirkit thanks, yeah I did.

The article @enum shared is roughly what I did to make this.

Today I made a start on a runtime j30 to voxel converter…


(left :: unlit Sinbad mesh right :: low resolution voxel version)


After the golden wrench, the golden Sinbad. :smiley:

This is beautiful…

I changed the diffuse colour of the material from brown to gray, added 1 to the random seed for a different background, before taking a couple of final shots of the WIP voxelized Sinbad…




I then had to have a quick look around to see what the new seed world looked like, and I found it to be a very interesting place to explore…





I was just about to shelve this project for while, but perhaps just a wee bit more :slight_smile:



That second to last pic is bad-ass.

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How well would that combine with something like forester to put in some vegetation?

I would be interested in how one can do such beams of light like in the last picture? Never encountered this while using jME :frowning:

@enum said:
I would be interested in how one can do such beams of light like in the last picture? Never encountered this while using jME :(

Then you have never run the TestLightScattering test class ^^
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You are right, I didn’t run that one :wink: Thank you.

Is it a common limitation of this effect, that you don’t see the beams anymore when turned roughly 90° to the direction of the light or is there a practicable workaround (or is it just dependant to the testcase)?

(Sry for being a bit off topic^^)