Terrain + skybox + water + shadow problem


I hope this hasn’t been posted yet …

I’m noob at jme, and i’m trying to modify one of the exemple (TestProjectedWater for info) to allow me to display a Terrain with some simple objects (cubes etc …) with reflective water (for terrain and objects)

and shadows and skybox.

With the init code below i got all i want except the shadow (yep there’s no ShadowRenderPass cause i tried everything i can to do it but unfortunately).

Is there someone who can help me to complete it for adding Shadows ? (i Want shadow of the objects on the terrain if u see what i mean)

I’m really lost… :?

Here’s init code :

protected void simpleInitGame() {

display.setTitle( “Water Test” );

cam.setFrustumPerspective( 45.0f, (float) display.getWidth() / (float) display.getHeight(), 1f, farPlane );

cam.setLocation( new Vector3f( 100, 50, 100 ) );

cam.lookAt( new Vector3f( 0, 0, 0 ), Vector3f.UNIT_Y );



buildLighting(); // setup lights


terrain2 = charge_Terrain2(); // Load a Terrain

buildSkyBox(); // …don’t attach skybox anywhere inside

objects.attachChild(createObjects()); // some misc objects

objects.attachChild(createPanneaux()); // some misc objects

water_reflection.attachChild( terrain2 ); // Add terrain to reflection

water_reflection.attachChild( objects );// Add object to reflection

// Init cool looking water

waterEffectRenderPass = new WaterRenderPass( cam, 4, true, true );

waterEffectRenderPass.setClipBias( 0.5f );

waterEffectRenderPass.setWaterMaxAmplitude( 5.0f );

//setting to default value just to show

waterEffectRenderPass.setWaterPlane( new Plane( new Vector3f( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ), 0.0f ) );

projectedGrid = new ProjectedGrid( “ProjectedGrid”, cam, 100, 70, 0.01f, new WaterHeightGenerator() );

waterEffectRenderPass.setWaterEffectOnSpatial( projectedGrid );

waterEffectRenderPass.setReflectedScene( water_reflection );

waterEffectRenderPass.setSkybox( skybox );

// Attach skybox

rootNode.attachChild( skybox );

// Attach water ???

rootNode.attachChild( projectedGrid );

rootNode.attachChild( water_reflection );

RenderPass rootPass = new RenderPass();

rootPass.add( rootNode );

RenderPass fpsPass = new RenderPass();

fpsPass.add( fpsNode );

pManager.add( waterEffectRenderPass );

pManager.add( rootPass );

pManager.add( fpsPass );

rootNode.setCullMode( SceneElement.CULL_NEVER );

rootNode.setRenderQueueMode( Renderer.QUEUE_OPAQUE );

fpsNode.setRenderQueueMode( Renderer.QUEUE_OPAQUE );
