TerrainPage vs. TerrainBlock

from reading the JavaDocs I know that the TerrainBlock is designed for "smaller" terrains and that "larger" terrains should make use of TerrainPage.

However, I am unaware what "small" and "large" refer to. Here's what I have. 128x128 16-bit heightmaps, scaled to 8, 0.003, 8. I don't think it's really that large, because I wouldn't think that "stretching" it would cause much of a problem.

Would it be okay to use TerrainBlocks to represent these heightmaps? Because it doesn't divvy anything up, it seems that TerrainBlock would be better for a dynamic terrain loader (because of it's faster creation). Tell me what you think.

okay. My t-count is pretty low, per block. I have about 130,000 with 9 blocks loaded in (although obviously not ALL of each one is visible) so I think I'll give it a shot using TerrainBlock. Seems my FPS is a LITTLE lower than usual but we'll see.

u can think small and large in the sense of triangle count. if ur terrrain has 200,000 triangles, putting all of them into a single mesh will obviously hurt ur performance. however, if u r only generating 2000 triangles, then putting all 2000 on a single mesh (terrainBlock) is pretty reasonable.

what terrain page really provides is just a quad-tree structure of meshes.

130,000 triangles on one mesh is not a good idea.

Trussell said:
I have about 130,000 with 9 blocks loaded in

130,000 is when you're standing on a tile and you can see 9 around you
Trussell said:

Trussell said:
I have about 130,000 with 9 blocks loaded in

130,000 is when you're standing on a tile and you can see 9 around you

but that is still alot, u should some how divide that up into pieces and cull the ones that r not in range or even blocked by other tiles.

So you think TerrainPage is my best bet?