Text Clipping [Custom GUI]

I’ve been working on building a custom GUI system for the past few months. I decided I wanted to render scalable text based on the technique described by Valve Software in the white paper found here. I was able to successfully implement their technique for rendering scalable fonts. My GUI text object now has functionality for displaying, aligning, and wrapping text but I’m completely stuck on the last piece of functionality I want to add: Clipping text glyphs that are outside a set clip boundary. I’ve been struggling with this for several days now so I decided to post here to see if anyone with any experience in this type of thing could give me some advice to push me in the right direction.

  The 'Text' class works by combining glyphs (characters). Each 'Glyph' contains vertex data and texture coordinates that correspond to a specific character. The texture coordinates specify the location around the character on a texture atlas (I.E. The texture for each glyph is packed into a single texture atlas). Each Glyph also has fields for specifying an amount to 'clip' the glyph. The idea being: when the glyph is positioned partially outside of the clip bounds I can set the clip amount to render only the part of the glyph that is within the clip boundaries. The code that each glyph uses to calculate vertex and texture coordinates is below:
    public final List<Vector3f> getVertices(final float xPosition, final float yPosition, final float scale) {
        List<Vector3f> verts = new ArrayList<Vector3f>();
        verts.add(new Vector3f((xOffset * scale) + xPosition + vertClipLeft, (font.getBaseLine() - yOffset) * scale + yPosition - vertClipTop, 0f)); //Top Left Vertex
        verts.add(new Vector3f((xOffset * scale) + xPosition + vertClipLeft, (font.getBaseLine() - height - yOffset) * scale + yPosition + vertClipBottom, 0f)); //Bottom Left Vertex
        verts.add(new Vector3f((width + xOffset) * scale + xPosition - vertClipRight, (font.getBaseLine() - height - yOffset) * scale + yPosition + vertClipBottom, 0f)); //Bottom Right Vertex
        verts.add(new Vector3f((width + xOffset) * scale + xPosition - vertClipRight, (font.getBaseLine() - yOffset) * scale + yPosition - vertClipTop, 0f)); //Top Right Vertex
        return verts;
    public final List<Vector2f> getCoordinates() {
        float pixWidth = 1f / atlasTextureWidth;
        float pixHeight = 1f / atlasTextureHeight;
        List<Vector2f> coords = new ArrayList<Vector2f>();
        coords.add(new Vector2f((xLoc + coordClipLeft) * pixWidth, ((atlasTextureHeight - yLoc)- coordClipTop) * pixHeight)); //Top Left Coordinate
        coords.add(new Vector2f((xLoc + coordClipLeft) * pixWidth, ((atlasTextureHeight - yLoc) - height + coordClipBottom) * pixHeight)); //Bottom Left Coordinate
        coords.add(new Vector2f((xLoc + width - coordClipRight) * pixWidth, ((atlasTextureHeight - yLoc) - height + coordClipBottom) * pixHeight)); //Bottom Right Coordinate
        coords.add(new Vector2f((xLoc + width - coordClipRight) * pixWidth, ((atlasTextureHeight - yLoc) - coordClipTop) * pixHeight)); //Top Right Coordinate
        return coords;
    In the main 'Text' class I use the following code to determine if a Glyph needs to be clipped and if so, calculate how much the Glyph needs to be clipped. (This is for clipping a glyph when it is outside the North (top) clip boundary. I choose top because the problem is more apparent on the north and south boundaries than it is on the east and west.The code for clipping Left, Right, and Bottom is very similar to this but they have been omitted because: redundancy. If I can get one side to work I can get the others to work with minimal effort.
if (yPosition + yTextOffset + (font.getBaseLine() * size - glyph.getYOffset() * size) > clipHeight && vClip) {
            float amountToClip = (yPosition + yTextOffset + (font.getBaseLine() * size - glyph.getYOffset() * size)) - clipHeight;
            glyph.setVerticalVertexClipping(amountToClip, 0f);
            glyph.setVerticalCoordinateClipping(amountToClip, 0f);
    The end result is that the vertices clip properly but the coordinate clipping only works when the character is the exact same size as it is on the texture atlas (in this case, the texture was rendered at a font size of 72pt). I'm almost certain that the solution will involve calculating the coordinate clipping amount separate from the vertex clipping amount, but I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to calculate the clipped coordinates so that the characters don't look as if they are being compressed (I.E. scaled down) at the clip bounds. See the below screenshot for a visual example of the problem:

First, the unclipped text. Rendered at 72pt size. The gray box around the text represents the clip boundaries.

When I move the Y-Offset of the text up so that the characters exceed the boundaries it works perfectly with 72pt size text.

Unfortunately, when I try the same thing using a smaller text size: some of the clipped glyphs become compressed at the clip boundary. Notice how the bridge of the lower-case ‘h’ is no longer even with the rest of the line. The ‘i’, ‘b’, ‘j’, and ‘d’ characters are also deformed. (The deformity is subtle and may be difficult to notice at first, but it is certainly there).

I’ve been trying for several days to fix this issue but haven’t had any luck. If someone with more experience in this kind of thing (and with better math skills than me) could point out where I am miscalculating I would be eternally grateful. I’m almost certain the problem has to do with how I’m setting the texture coordinates. Thanks in advance for any assistance!

(Note that the fonts are loaded from a simple .fnt file that contains all the information (width, height, xadvance, yoffset, etc…) for each glyph. The .fnt files use the same structure as the ones generated by JME3)

This issue is now (finally) resolved. I was able to implement clipping in the fragment shader instead of inside the text object. Now it works perfectly without needed to mess with the glyph texture coordinates.