This goes onto

I realize other people don't take it with the degree of humor I do. I view as a place to find funny code. It seems others take it more seriously, so I apologize for the offense.

Btw: the reason I found it was that I was transforming normals, which you do using the inverse transpose of the world space transform matrix. Perhaps no other part of JME does a transform of normals? Other than that, I agree transpose isn't common.

jwatte said:

I realize other people don't take it with the degree of humor I do. I view as a place to find funny code. It seems others take it more seriously, so I apologize for the offense.

The part that offends me isn't the post so much as the direct reference to jME in the post and even later the comment by you:

For extra fun, see this thread:

If you would have simply posted it and left it anonymous I wouldn't have near the problem with it as I do since your post is an obvious mockery of jME as an engine.  I don't want to beat a dead horse though, I just wanted to state that this kind of thing is not appreciated. We do our best to keep this forum moderately easy-going and positive.  Such is one of the reasons we have such an active community...a place where noobies can feel welcome and not beaten up because they don't know everything about Java or 3D programming.  If you can maintain a more positive attitude we'd love to keep you involved, but if all your posts are negative it will be counter-productive to the kind of community we wish to maintain.  Let me be clear, there's never anything wrong with constructive criticism, it's just the way criticism comes across that can be bad.
jwatte said:
It seems others take it more seriously, so I apologize for the offense.

Thanks, and I'd personally be happy if you'd stick around and pointed out more such bugs.  If you could just post them onto the bugtracker first though... hehe.

i'd like to start out by emphasizing that my current "close to moving crap" situation has removed alot of my usual friendlyness, and i hope people can overlook that slightly  :P

darkfrogs latest posts basically said everything i was thinking. can't believe i actually agree with darkfrog for once s  :lol:


(most non prototype code only use the xxxLocal methods(or the ones with a store/result input) since creating new instances on every call sucks, at least that's the reason i havent bumped into it…and that method works in matrix4f.)


(i think jwatte is originally swedish like me, which would explain the lack of people skills(for both of us) :smiley: we don't see enough sun during our childhood hehehe)

There are many ways that you can approach a subject, usually ,subconsciously and unwittingly one approaches that subject revealing their intent or emotion. Could you be hungry for recognition by any chance???

MrCoder said:

(i think jwatte is originally swedish like me, which would explain the lack of people skills(for both of us) :D we don't see enough sun during our childhood hehehe)

That explains so much about you MrCoder.  :-o

theprism said:

There are many ways that you can approach a subject, usually ,subconsciously and unwittingly one approaches that subject revealing their intent or emotion. Could you be hungry for recognition by any chance???

Lets not turn this into a flame war...I think jwatte has done very well thus far taking moderately harsh criticism (primarily from me), so lets not turn this around into what we're trying to stop from happening.

I'll just have to say that I wasn't actually all that offended about the way you handled it. You were particularly blunt, and is pretty embarrassing. But, in all honesty, it was deserved. Honestly, I'm not concerned that such a bug was introduced, but it is concerning that it wasn't caught for years. The lack of unit tests is the greatest problem this brought up.

we really really need more unit tests…

Well, jME is open source, and its a good thing. If you pay anything from 50$ to 5000$ or more for a closed source game engine, you get more support services for that than actual functionality. Consider it like this: you paid for jME by fixing the bug. Bugs can be terrible if you are a beginner, but above some level of understanding (which Jwatte seems high above), you should use the codebase of jME, and not just like a linked library. Thats the idea of open source isnt it?

Please dont interpret my comments as derogatory, purely an observation, after all everyone always want something and are motivated in one way or another.

It is good imho that a bug has been captured, but i dont expect the person fixing and testing it to try and tell the world in the same subtle manner as its announcement.

But then again, its xmas and i have been out on a binge >.<

happy xmas everyone ( and a damn good holiday if you are not xmas inclined )

I think I'm usually among the first to call for politeness and modesty, but I think plenty enough has been said in that regard. So I just want to add: Thanks for that catch, jwatte, I think this bug had driven me crazy in my early jME days, but I then lacked the confidence in my own algebra skills to actually blame it on jME and even look for the error there. I hope your time with jME will yield many more such contributions.

Also, extra kudos for apologizing, and to mojo for not taking offense in the first place. There, I couldn't resist the urge to sound like a school mistress once again :smiley:

hevee said:

Also, extra kudos for apologizing, and to mojo for not taking offense in the first place. There, I couldn't resist the urge to sound like a school mistress once again :D

You used to be a school mistress?  :-o

...there's a certain level of anonymity to these forums versus real life, and it's at times like these that I can truly appreciate that anonymity and wish it were more solidly held to.  :P

Wow! I think mojomonk is a real gentleman!

Even if my opinion is not so important, I want to let you know that I am one who always appreciate help. Exactly like every other developer here, I think. My contribute have been really poor in these years (to fix MD5 Reader, that is just a external project, have been the only thing I have been able to do - about 10 lines of code to change…). Also, I am most an user than a developer. Consider that I am an artist and I have begun to develop just for fun. Some concepts for me are really hard to understand, like Matrices transformations, and I can consider myself lucky because I studied in a scientific upper-school. Unfortunately we do not studied Matrices enough.

I believe that Open Source is a good and important thing (this is the reason I spend a part of my time developing). Moreover I think that there are Open Source project that could be taken as an example for their organization. Blender for me is the "diamond" project, because they have a really strong organization, compared to other Open Source projects, for example Xorg.

To be honest I should read the code of this Matrix error at least for 5 minutes before I can understand what you all are discussing about. :smiley:

The only problem for me was your attitude, jwatte (not only in this thread). Now I see you understand, and I am happy of that. This have been the best community I ever found. There are forums I used to attend, where can explode a flame for every stupid thing where you can make no critique, even if in a polite way, or where you can not discuss a critique.

Here you can critique and discuss critiques! Nobody attack you if you say

Remembering that this thread is also read by everyone reading the daily WTF, Merry Christmas to them, and offcourse to all amazing users or jME. I love this forum for being dominated by people with big hearts! See you in 2008 with a version 2.0 that will introduce lots of new funny bugs, but will rock the 3d world as well :wink:

Ender said:

Wow! I think mojomonk is a real gentleman!

Pish and tosh!  ;)