Thread Handling: Ive got problems starting a new Thread


i am using a model view controller pattern to divide my differrent parts of code:

this snippet shows the View, the Interaction interface between my controller, which controlls access and the human being^^

public class Virtuality extends SimpleGame{
private ILocal local;
private IMusicData md;

public Virtuality(final ILocal local, final IMusicData md){


protected void simpleInitGame() {


in this thread i wanna start a instance of Virtuality

public Controller(){
md = new MusicDataFacade();
player = new Player(md);
local = new ControllerFacade(player, md);
userInterface = new Virtuality(local, md);

The problem is, that when ive startet the user interface, the controller doesnt continue his work. and i dont know why!

i found this in this forum, but it doesnt work…

public Controller(){

md = new MusicDataFacade();

player = new Player(md);

local = new ControllerFacade(player, md);

userInterface = new Virtuality(local, md);

Runnable userThread = new Runnable(){


public void run() {




new Thread(userThread).start();


This is a tutorial about threads in Java:

I think it will help you.