Tonight's Live Stream - Contact debugging and player control schemes

I’ll be continuing some stuff from last week for debugging the AI probes and I’ll talk about the work I did for mapping player input to weapon/tool control… and how those two things turn out to be related.



Ended up fixing the bug really fast and so started the “probe debug” app state.

Chapter markers are up on the video for folks who like to skip around. Here is a preview:
0:00 Introduction
1:00 Recap and catch-up
4:00 Contact Debugging
7:30 Updates for Fayd
10:00 Tool-swing issues
14:30 Debugging the Contact Debugging
21:00 Bug fixed?
22:30 Yes.
27:00 Next steps, it’s complicated
28:00 Probe debugging
30:00 Leaving a quick comment to future-Paul
31:00 What it’s probe debugging is complicated
35:45 What’s a control driver?
37:00 Threading issue
38:55 Probe debug app state boiler plate
48:50 How we will hook it up ‘for real’
49:30 Control driver life cycle
52:50 Probe debug view entity container
1:01:15 Next steps, maybe next stream
1:02:55 Outro
1:04:00 Q&A - Time debug… with me being dumb
1:07:30 Answer again now with visuals!
1:10:00 Other ways to ask questions

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