Tool Chain - HottBJ, SceneWorker


we are currently trying to figure out what is the best tool chain for our purpose.

I've created some dummy models with blender and exported it with HottBJ to a *-jme.xml file. This files can be loaded without problems like this (also with textures):


I tried to load this with SceneWorker, but it seems that it only can load jME binary format, is this right?

So i wrote a little tool, that converts the xml file from HottBJ to jME binary format. I'm able to import this in SceneWorker, but without textures. On command line a warning appears, that the textures cannot be located. Same problem with loading the jME binary format via com.jme.util.export.binary.BinaryImporter .

This brings me to a few questions:

Where can a read more about jME resource management. I didn't find anything appropriate in the wiki. I only found the com.jme.util.resource package, but not how to use it. When I have 10 trees I want to take the same textures for it, for performance reasons...

Which model format should I use, jME binary or jME xml?

Thanks in advance,

In the Texture class you can set 'storeTexture' true, that should save the image also.

If its false, only the path to the image will be saved. then you need to set up a ResourceLocator.

You can also clone a model by using CloneImportExport

shadow82 said:

I tried to load this with SceneWorker, but it seems that it only can load jME binary format, is this right?

So i wrote a little tool, that converts the xml file from HottBJ to jME binary format. I'm able to import this in SceneWorker, but without textures. On command line a warning appears, that the textures cannot be located. Same problem with loading the jME binary format via com.jme.util.export.binary.BinaryImporter .

at the moment scene worker can't import the jme xml format...
apologies, it's on a list of things to do...
you can set the resource location in scene worker by adding the resource location in the import dialog....