Translucent Material / Shadows

What I am trying to do is create a transparent material from a .png file, and attach it to a quad. This works fine for me.

However, when I go to make it cast a shadow, I get a square shaped shadow - the geometry is what is responsible for casting, and I want the material to be responsible for it (if that makes sense.)

On top of getting a square shadow, my transparent material will block out the shadow, while letting the color of the background show through just fine.

How can I make this render properly?

Sorry if this is horribly unclear, I’m very new and don’t know the proper terminology quite yet!

Thanks for the help!

You can’t for now.

It’s a known issue of the shadow renderers, they don’t handle transparency/translucency.

it’s in the todo list

Ah ha! Thanks for the info! Where can I find this todo list?

Do I have any alternatives? Could I create geometry from a .png file in a similar manner to creating terrain from perlin noise?

meat said:
Where can I find this todo list? can't really, it's my personal todo list in our JME google doc repo.

meat said:
Do I have any alternatives? Could I create geometry from a .png file in a similar manner to creating terrain from perlin noise?

I guess it could work, as long as your geometry renders in the depth buffer.

So I did some looking around for depth buffer and ended up more stumped than before.

How would I go about creating a mesh or geometry from an image file? I hope I don’t seem like I require hand holding, I just don’t know where to start.

You could create a terrain from a heightmap, which I think would be what you want.

I was thinking the same thing, but then how do I go about trimming off the transparent areas? Or will it know not to add geometry there?

If I just make a heightmapped terrain, and rotate it to the upright position, won’t I just end up with a Han Solo in Carbonite sort of effect?