Triangle exact collision?

hello, i am wondering how to get physics engine working with

actuall vertex triangle data, instead of bouding volumes, how

to enable exact collision/torque calculations ?

For movable meshes use the GImpact collision shape type. Note however that this requires significantly more processing power than simple shapes.



ah, thank you, i am trying the jbullet engine, it seems to also have an option

for that, what is the exact difference between jbullet and jme physics 2 ?

is it more stable ?

trifox said:

for that, what is the exact difference between jbullet and jme physics 2 ?
is it more stable ?

For some elaborations on that please see the jbullet-jme thread accessible through my signature. The main problem about jmePhysics to me is that it bases on a java wrapper for ODE that is not maintained anymore and has several bugs that will probably never be fixed.
