Trouble Updating Beta and Beta Nightly

I’m getting a 403 error for

“Product Version” is “Product Version: jMonkeyEngine SDK 3.0beta”

Last time I got this, it was because I missed the upgrade from alpha to beta. Did I miss a similar shift again?

I should add that I can reach the URL manually, so it’s not a firewall issue.

Also, I was able to update yesterday. The only thing I’ve really changed is adding the netbeans update center for the VIM plugin.

Its an issue with the http client being rejected by the server however the client name is set in the main plugin. Did you by any chance disable the core jme3 plugins?

I had disabled the android support and applet support, as I didn’t need those. I have since re-enabled them, but no change. Also, I forgot I uninstalled CVS and Mercurial.

@sbook can we disable this check for .com somehow?

@spqr said:
The only thing I've really changed is adding the netbeans update center for the VIM plugin.

Ooh.. I didn't get that.. Probably you also installed the VIM plugin which in turn updated all kinds of core plugins? I guess you've messed up everything then.

Grr…yes, it probably did update stuff (was expecting some new stuff being needed). Didn’t think it would update core files though.

Now that I’m bothering to pay attention to what I’m doing, here’s what it (vim plugin) wants to update currently:

Core - Execution [1.24->1.24.1] Core - UI [1.27->1.27.1] Editor [>] Editor Actions [>] Editor Code Completion [>] Editor Code Folding [>] Editor Indentation [1.24->1.24.1] Editor Indentation for Projects [1.5->1.5.1] Editor Library [>] Editor Library 2 [>] Editor Options [1.25->1.25.1] Execution API [1.22->1.22.1] Favorites [1.25->1.25.1] JNA [1.14->1.14.1] Keymap Options [1.14->1.14.1] Keyring Implementations [1.3->1.3.2] Lexer [>] Lexer to NetBeans Bridge [>] Master Filesystem [2.32->2.32.2] NB-jVi-SPI [1.4->1.5] Project API [1.36->1.36.1] Project UI [>] Project UI API [>] Search API [3.29->3.29.1] jVi Core [>]

Thats a lot of changes, really can’t say what that would provoke. When NetBeans 7.1 is out we’ll update to that base, otherwise try using an older update center (7.0.1 should be the same base as the SDK).

I took a look, and it seems I am using the 7.0.1 update center for netbeans (

Even the vim plugin url seems to be set for 7.0 ( )

I agree, though, that it is a lot of changes.