Unable to edit - Temporary workaround

Thanks to some very useful clues provided by @larda I was finally able to track down the cause of the missing edit form in certain group forums. I’m hoping for a hotfix from the BP developers.

Meanwhile, here’s a workaround:

If you notice you can’t edit your post in a certain forum, it’s because you’re not a member of that group. All you need to do is join that group and you should now be able to edit your posts in that group’s forum.


Go to http://hub.jmonkeyengine.org/groups/site-project/forum/

Under the group description you should see a button that says “Join Group” if you’re not a member of it yet. Click it!

Joined to group and testing before edit…

Edit: Yeah, i got it :D. Thanks @larda.

nice detective work sherlock and holmes!

Strange, IIRC the old BuddyPress would auto-join you to a group as soon as you replied, but now this doesn’t happen? It’s definitely a bug that you can’t edit your own posts no matter what, but is this a regression that you don’t auto-join groups anymore?

Its a bug, a patch is already in their bug tracker, so I goes it’ll roll out with the next update.