Update and install plugins is not working

update and install plugins is not working…

it seems these URLs are down:

Unable to connect to the jMonkeyEngine SDK Stable because of http://updates.jmonkeyengine.org/stable/3.1/plugins/updates.xml

Unable to connect to the NBAndroid Updates because of Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: http://nbandroid.org/release81/updates/updates.xml

Unable to connect to the jMonkeyEngine SDK User Contributions because of http://updates.jmonkeyengine.org/contrib/3.1/updates.xml

Unable to connect to the jMonkeyEngine SDK Nightly (Breaks!) because of http://updates.jmonkeyengine.org/nightly/3.1/plugins/updates.xml

It could be that one of the search results has the information you need:

Edit: actually, I looked and those all seem to be old. I think plugins updates have been broken since we had to switch hosting providers years ago. I was sure there would be easily searchable threads about it but I guess not. Others can correct me if I’m wrong… but I was pretty sure that was permanently busted.

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You can manually download a plugin and install through the SDK/netbeans plugin download window from a local directory.

Assuming it really is a plugin.