Using assetManager in another class than SimpleApplication

I got a solution:

The class that extends simple application has to pass its assetManager, eg. when it’s making a new Object of a class

@iova said: I got a solution:

The class that extends simple application has to pass its assetManager, eg. when it’s making a new Object of a class

Yep, I basically said that three times now. :slight_smile:

@pspeed said: Yep, I basically said that three times now. :)

Obvious things are not necessary everytime obvious :slight_smile:
I think it will be good to find some stuff about passing objects in java

@iova said: I got a solution:

The class that extends simple application has to pass its assetManager, eg. when it’s making a new Object of a class

you found one of many solutions. you could also pass simpleapplication to your class and then call app.getAssetManager in your class.

Yes i Know, we should learn, more on the language, ok you are right, but WE chossed now java, and i have been programing in other languages too, so we are newbies, on java, and on jmonkeyengine, so dont you think the help could be a little more extensive instead of joust complaning about newbies?? Sorry this is not my native language

oh boy… necroing an old flame thread to just add up to the mess…
Please, if you have issues, post them in a separate thread, the community will gladly answer.