We're doing another jME3 game contest! (need suggestions)

O yeah, another prize.

@pspeed said: Can we give bonus points for game names generated with this? http://videogamena.me/
Can't promise bonus points, but not using videogamena.me would certainly put you at a serious disadvantage as far as the honorable judges are concerned.

Speaking of which, @memonick yeh you can absolutely join me in the judges panel. I’m not sure we need more than two, but if anyone else is interested do let me know.

Contest will start on the 19th of May and run for a week. Will post more details in a blog post coming shortly.

Any detail yet?

@ndebruyn said: Any detail yet?
Indeed there is!

Update here:

Hell yeah, Now I am really pumped up for this.
Man, I really hope we get a nice scene. It will surely be very very exciting.
Just a few days left…

@ndebruyn said: Hell yeah, Now I am really pumped up for this. Man, I really hope we get a nice scene. It will surely be very very exciting. Just a few days left....
SPOILER ALERT: It'll just be a big grey box that I made and submitted to Blendswap.
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@erlend_sh said: Indeed there is!

Update here:

Is the plan still to provide a preconverted j3o for everyone? Or are they going to take up their time getting the asset to work properly?

@pspeed said: Is the plan still to provide a preconverted j3o for everyone? Or are they going to take up their time getting the asset to work properly?
That is indeed still the plan.

Very very funny.
That will surely be so boring but potentially a very interesting idea.
Just hope “in case its a box” that other people also think it’s an interesting idea.

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@elrend_sh, Happy to help, and best of luck to all entrants! I look forward to playing your games!

Well, that’s sad. This contest is going on right when I have a midterm and a bunch of stuff to do.

That said, I may still compete. Nothing like a Memorial Day weekend spent coding, right?

Oh, was also wondering if you guys want to submit this as a “jME game jam” to Compo HUB so that the game jam gets more visibility. You’ll have to submit a pull request, I believe.

I will try to compete as well.

Just don’t expect any fancy installers or build systems, because this is something I totally suck at.

I like high-level-coding, game-design, making assets with Blender. But build script hacking and IDE-magic are really not my domain.

@Ogli said: I will try to compete as well.

Just don’t expect any fancy installers or build systems, because this is something I totally suck at.

I like high-level-coding, game-design, making assets with Blender. But build script hacking and IDE-magic are really not my domain.

Why would you need to do anything but check the appropriate boxes on the SDK and hit “Build”?

Nevermind, I think it’s not in the scope of this exercise anyways. I will be glad to produce something that remotely fulfills the definition of “game”. :wink:

When will the chosen scene becom known?

Hmm. Not entirely sure, since a time isn’t given. I assume it would have started by now if they are thinking 12:00 am GMT

tap tap Is this thing on??

I just wanted everyone to know that @erlend_sh sent the chosen model to a select few 1 week ago and they have already determined a winner (me) because the contest is rigged.

No wait… that was a dream…


When do we get the goods?? I’m anxious to try this…

EDIT: “I’m anxious to try this…” The … is code for “And fail miserably”.


Last I heard, they were trying to make sure the model could be easily used… no idea when the “official” start time is.

Already made a few good notes for the next contest ^^

  • Determine and state exact start time ahead of contest start…
  • Properly test asset and make AssetPack
  • Determine submission method

But alright, GO HERE!

Important update: Please see this thread on how to submit your game: