What baked maps to assign to Light and Glow map option in unshaded material?


I’m using unshaded material to make it easy on android. I have baked textures using “Full Render” in blender and applied to “Color Map” in unshaded material but I’m not sure what should I apply to

  1. Light Map
  2. Glow map

Which baked textures should I apply to these to make by model look better.
I have not found any documentation on what exactly does these maps stand for and how will they affect my performance and looks of the model.

ColorMap is usually used for the main color of your model.

LightMap is useful for …light maps :p. Maps where the lighting of the scene is baked. Ofc that onlys works for static light sources and static receivers. The most interesting part is that you can use a separate texture coordinate set for the light map. Making it easy to have 1 light map for the entire scene and separate color maps for individual objects.

GlowMap is used for the Bloom post processing. It has 2 modes : Scene and object. Scene is the classic bloom, object is useful to make an object glow. The glow map is useful to have a glowing “pattern” on an object instead of a solid color (GlowColor). I don’t recommend using bloom on android though it will kill your perf (not even sure it works as it is).

That said…you can bake the lighting in the ColorMap and only use it. In blender you can bake the full render into a texture (light, indirect lighting, Ao, shadows and so on). This can give stunning results for static scenes.

I recommend using this method for all static objects and use the lighting material for dynamic ones. Lighting material works on android and give acceptable performance as long as your lighted object only fills a small part of the screen (use it for player, or moving npcs). If performance is not acceptable you can try to set the VertexLighting parameter to true in the lighting material. It will give a performance boost at the expense of some quality.

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@nehon said: ColorMap is usually used for the main color of your model.

LightMap is useful for …light maps :p. Maps where the lighting of the scene is baked. Ofc that onlys works for static light sources and static receivers. The most interesting part is that you can use a separate texture coordinate set for the light map. Making it easy to have 1 light map for the entire scene and separate color maps for individual objects.

GlowMap is used for the Bloom post processing. It has 2 modes : Scene and object. Scene is the classic bloom, object is useful to make an object glow. The glow map is useful to have a glowing “pattern” on an object instead of a solid color (GlowColor). I don’t recommend using bloom on android though it will kill your perf (not even sure it works as it is).

That said…you can bake the lighting in the ColorMap and only use it. In blender you can bake the full render into a texture (light, indirect lighting, Ao, shadows and so on). This can give stunning results for static scenes.

I recommend using this method for all static objects and use the lighting material for dynamic ones. Lighting material works on android and give acceptable performance as long as your lighted object only fills a small part of the screen (use it for player, or moving npcs). If performance is not acceptable you can try to set the VertexLighting parameter to true in the lighting material. It will give a performance boost at the expense of some quality.

Nice explanation… Thanks