What games are you currently playing?

I’ve been playing a lot of this game that’s basically an “inventory management simulator”.

You spend a lot of time transferring items to/from containers and companions to balance your load. Figure out what you want to sell versus keep. There are small periods of the game where you go out to collect new items to manage. Sometimes there is a little bit of action or story at these places before you get back to juggling what’s in your inventory again.

There’s even the occasional wrinkle where there are some items you are forced to keep until you find a specific place for them.

You can also combine some items into other items or convert items into different items and that might adjust the weight up or down. It’s a pretty challenging inventory management simulator overall. I’ve sunk probably 30+ hours into it so far.

There is even an online wiki with lots of detailed information here: https://goo.gl/fWLdP9

I’m still having a lot of fun with it.