What to commit on SVN?

A JMP project comes along with a couple of folders. I would like to know which folders are commitable and which are not. A typical project seems to have:

  • build (ignorable?)

    • classes (ignorable?)

    • empty (always empty?)

    • generated-sources (always empty?)

  • dist (ignorable?)

  • nbproject

    • private (ignorable?)

  • src

  • build.xml

I hope that someone can tell me what to commit and what to ignore, so no redundant information is passed along the internet.
Thanks in advance.

Just commit the whole project (right-click in project explorer and commit/import). jMP takes care that your private settings and build folders are not committed.

I am using an external tortoiseSVN instead, because I have other projects in the same checkout from other programming languages. I don’t want to place a checkout in my checkout actually. Could you tell me what to ignore and what to commit?

jMP should also recognize that when you put the folder in a svn checkout folder and commit only the project. But anyway, from memory its build, dist and nbproject/private.

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Thank you, I’ll post my findings if I find any strange conflicts.