Why are there now current nightlies?

When I look at http://updates.jmonkeyengine.org/nightly/ the latests version of the sdk is from June, so am I looking at the wrong place? Thats at least the update URL which is in my SDK where it checks for new versions. I would like o try the lastest features like the 3ds Importer, do I have to use the github repo and build my own jars with Gradle?

Oh one addition, maybe someone can check this in their SDK:

in History for jme3-core/src/main/java/com/jme3/math/Vector3f.java - jMonkeyEngine/jmonkeyengine · GitHub there is a method “interpolateLocal(…” and Vector3f this method was named just “interpolate(…” before (the change was made in September 2013 ( https://code.google.com/p/jmonkeyengine/source/browse/trunk/engine/src/core/com/jme3/math/Vector3f.java?r=11107 ) but in the SDK it is still “Vector3f.interpolate(…” with me even if I use the nightlies. So is my SDK outdated for some reason or are these changes not yet in the nightlies even if they are more than a year old now?

There is no nightly builds for 3.0 anymore because the SDK is at 3.1 in the development version, the dev version is not compatible to the 3.0 release anymore. The nightly updates have been removed because of this (the updates.xml is empty). If you are still on the “nightly” as it was available before you should delete your settings folder and then update to the latest stable as you are stuck in some “nirvana” of when the nightly updates for 3.0 stopped. All relevant fixes have been applied to the stable branch already. You can use the engine build in the nightly/3.1 folder if you want to try the nightly engine version but as always its NOT meant for production and WILL change substantially.

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Ok and how can I switch to a 3.1 version of the SDK? I couldn’t find any information how to build version 3.1 from the git repo, where do I have to look for that information?

There is no information on that as its a WIP, UTSL. And btw, its in heavy flux right now, unless you plan on developing the engine yourself 3.1 is of no use for you. And btw, there is no 3ds importer…? The 3.0 stable version can import 3ds by using blender though.

I now built the jars from the github repo using Gradle

On Android I only updated these jars:

Android jme apps are still running except that the materials now seem to have a problem, all materials are white now.

For the desktop version I built new versions of:
jme3-desktop-3.1.0-snapshot-github.jar // needs the latest version of jme3-lwjgl
jme3-lwjgl-3.1.0-snapshot-github.jar // needs the latest version of jme3-bullet
jme3-bullet-3.1.0-snapshot-github.jar // needs the latest version of jme3-terrain

I tested step by step which old jars I have to replace by the new ones. But I got stuck when the new LwjglContext tries to load the bulletjme native library:

Exception in thread "LWJGL Renderer Thread" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: The required native library 'bulletjme' was not found in the classpath via 'native/windows/x86_64/bulletjme.dll'
	at com.jme3.system.NativeLibraryLoader.loadNativeLibrary(NativeLibraryLoader.java:341)
	at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglContext.loadNatives(LwjglContext.java:179)
	at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.run(LwjglAbstractDisplay.java:207)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)

I assume I have to build the latest version of jME3-bullet-natives.jar but how do I do that?

Ok I removed the bullet libary and switched back to jbullet and now it works as well on the desktop but I have the same problems with loading materials from j3o files correctly now on the Desktop. When a model is loaded I get about 20 of these warnings:

Nov 11, 2014 12:34:16 PM com.jme3.material.Material read
WARNUNG: The material parameter is not defined: null. Ignoring..

Does someone have an idea why this is happening?

ok since this has nothing to do with the original problem I created this thread for, I will post it in the correct forum section

@simon.heinen said: Does someone have an idea why this is happening?
@normen said: And btw, its in heavy flux right now, unless you plan on developing the engine yourself 3.1 is of no use for you.

i think it is self-explanatory

I mainly want to test v3.1 to check if some of the Android bugs like http://hub.jmonkeyengine.org/forum/topic/black-terrain-texturematerial-in-android which I have currently bigger problems with, its nothing I use in production :wink: So you mean it doesn’t make sense to discuss 3.1 bugs in the forum? At least it could be helping you if people who test the 3.1 sources report bugs, or should this be done in the github bug tracker?

3.1 will break with games made for 3.0. This is something we announced since the beginning. There have been a lot of refactoring and changes in API.
Testing 3.1 with and old game made for 3.0 is not helpful because it’ll just break in many ways.
If you want to use nightly, you have to be aware that your game may break on every pull.
Lighting has recently been changed, and the ambient light default has been removed, maybe your ambient light is too high and makes the material white.

@nehon When is 3.1 gonna be released? And will it be difficult to update 3.0 games to 3.1? I recently started a new project and I’d love to use 3.1 for it once it is released. And is there a list or something somewhere describing all the changes that are gonna be made for 3.1?


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We’re currently actively working on 3.1, we’ll release a feature list, but I can’t give an ETA, because we don’t know ourselves. It’s hard to keep a proper planning on oss project where all the active contributors work “when they can”. Just know that we are working on it.

Here are the major features that are already in and that will be in 3.1 :

  • Geometry instancing
  • Single pass lighting
  • Light culling

This is not an exhaustive list there may be more major features that are in the work.
Also 3.1 will come with API changes made for more consistency across the engine and optimisation.
It also comes with a ton of bug fixes.

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Ah ok thanks. So will there be lots of API changes? I’d love to see a documentation site that shows old 3.0 code and how one would write it in 3.1 once 3.1 is released. Thanks for the great work and the effort you are all putting into JME!

@mathiasj said: Ah ok thanks. So will there be lots of API changes? I'd love to see a documentation site that shows old 3.0 code and how one would write it in 3.1 once 3.1 is released. Thanks for the great work and the effort you are all putting into JME!
Thanks, yeah we try to keep documentation up to date, but that's a lot of effort. Strangely we're more skilled in coding things that writing about them, who would have guess ;)