Why having jmonkey and godot split in two engine and not having one bid engine (just like blender is for 3d)

I’ll introduce myself as someone who worked with jmomkey during a while at one point in time, but i had do drop coding for personal reason (i’m initially an artist), if your interested i’m leaving some link at the end feel free to give you advise.

Recently with some friend we decided to work on an unlimited game where the goal is to go the farthest. On that project i work as an artist and we got 1 sound designer and 1 game designer… As you should have guessed by now we lack the knife putting the butter on the breedr, no matter what we do there will be no game without a programmer, We have tryed to get some but they always desaeper when it is time to do the work ()im not blaming them, we dont have money, and we are asking to someone to give up his free time to us…)
All the programmer we had worked on unity… i had no issue with that since i was not supposed to type a line of code. But since we seriously need to have the code be going i need to take it in charge, as a big advocate of the opensoure to me jmonkey was my go o by default, But since godot can now handle the 3D it could be my go to. (unless someone there is interested, i’ll leave the link to the game pitch at the end)

Anyway My main question after all that is that now, i thing that using godot as my main engine to fit best to the need of the team we have so the game designer can do stuff in it without having to code like he would have if we used jmonkey. I’zould like you opinion on that,

Godot is a C++ engine. JME is a Java engine.

If Godot suits you then you should use it.

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can do stuff in it without having to code like he would have if we used jmonkey

i would more compare it to telephone where you dont need to know android and have simple keyboard(Godot) vs one where you need to know android system and touch techniques.(jme)

everything depends what you need. but imo always better have “control over engine”, because then you can do everything you want. if something simplify and dont allow complex things, then its good only for small games. if it is simple and allow complex things, then its ok for new developers, but engine itself will be slower than it could be without not needed user friendly code that make it simply. if something is not simple but allow complex things, then its good for experienced developers only.

btw. it should be opposite:
artists join developer team. why? Arts can be done in any tool and it dont need as many knowledge as programming. myself im artist and programmer, second need much more knowledge. Both important, but you will always find problem with developer having enough experience in 3d develop. its not first project like yours where the only lack is developer.

You answer is great but i still have trouble understandimg wich of the two is better on the long terme, as our next game is already planned. For the first gqme we currently we have :

  • gdd is at 80-90%
  • art 50%
  • code 0%
  • sound 30%

( thats not the real stats but an estmlation)
I would like to avoid switching the engine constatlly. If someone have the pros and co of the two engine it would be great.

If the programming language is not important to you, then I would go with Godot engine. It’s free and open source like JME.

Well… you are addressing the problem wrong. If you find a programmer that’s good with JME you will use JME. If you find a programmer that’s good with Godot you’ll use Godot.

Picking one engine won’t do any good (regardless of the choice) if there’s nobody sit on the programmer’s desk.

First you should find a programmer.

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I tried porting my ludum dare entry to godot not so long ago, just to see how godot works. And then I figured out godot has no main update loop; just like in Unity, all the code is in what jME calls Controls and Unity MonoBehaviors. That’s an instant no-go from me since it results in so much spaghetti code and objects in the scene which are only there to have some code attached, but aren’t visible. So I’m back to jME.


Your programmer should choose mainly but not solely.

I can code in c# and java equally well so if I were the programmer we’d have 2 choices; unity or JME.

In my opinion, a c++ programmer will be harder to come by than a c# or java programmer because hobbyists or self taught developers don’t usually go with c++ due to its huge learning curve. They are generally educated in the language and thus have a daily job using the language.

Personally, and it is personal, I’d go for unity or JME. Both have appealing aspects.

I really like jmonkeys programmer first attitude. I prefer the way it works in terms of lifecycle and granularity. As a programmer I have all control.

I like unity. It holds your hand a lot and so restricts you but you may want that. It’s hard to stray too far from the path you must take. It’s GUI environment helps artists and developers alike. It’s fun to use.

So it’s really a case of finding a developer now and depending on their knowledge of languages decide which engine to use.

The big difference that I will say is that I’ve learnt far more on this forum than any other engine. The community is outstanding. So much willingness to teach and share knowledge.


Just to clarify: godot supports a variety of languages, not just c++: godotscript (=python), c#, c++ and I think also javascript.

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