WIP: Minigame Multitasking Madness 3D (MMM) – Contest Entry


I think the sensitivity may be a tad high on the balance game :wink:

at 1000 fps it works good, blame VideoRecorderAppState! and its 29fps :P. I will fiddle with those settings later :slight_smile:

Great work! Would be interesting to know more about the controls, as the method of switching between the two tasks would be an important problem to solve. Needs to be definitive but not too cumbersome I would think.


@thetoucher said:


I think the sensitivity may be a tad high on the balance game :wink:

was using tpf instead of value inside onAnalog() XD. Works fine now :P, cba to upload a new vid tho ^_^

@sbook said:
Great work! Would be interesting to know more about the controls, as the method of switching between the two tasks would be an important problem to solve. Needs to be definitive but not too cumbersome I would think.

thx :), yeh thats one of the big problems im facing. In the above video (you can't see the mouse), its "left click" for the right side and drag while clicking for the left side. Some minigames will use the keyboard as well, but i will make sure no 2 minigames next to each other will coincide too badly with the control choice.

been doing this game pretty much every day, since i started this thread, even on Xmas day! :D. I have the gameplay done for 14 minigames (all using primitive objects), hoping to have 20 done by the 30th, then spend the last day prettying it up! with effects/models/sounds/main menu/pause menu :D. I love having a small file size for the distribution copy tho, (7MB <33)


Just finished preliminary gameplay for 20 minigames! They range from, sidescrolling, spot the difference, balancing, dodging, hitting moving targets, space ship, precision games, and many others! tried to get a mix of everything. I also gave caution so that i could port this to android later. Atm there is only primitive shapes (boxes/spheres etc…). Tomorrow, I will go through all minigames again, and make sure they are up to scratch, and start to add some models, which I made for my other game, if they are applicable. 2 days left, not gonna waste a second! :smiley:

Still gotta add stuff, like pause menu/sounds/particle effects/backgrounds/fix main menu/highscores

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Good luck buddy!