Would any JME starter kit be useful for newcomers?


I know a very little bit XNA, there is a kind of RPG starter kit provided with it, it allows to have a significant working example as a start point. Do you think this kind of kit could be useful for people who would like to learn how to use JME 2.0?

Well for me Stardust always worked fine, and from the beginning.

You just have to include jme-physics (for jme2) ,jme2 and the fenggui.jar, and the scenmonitor jars.

But I think it would be helpfull if you don't say it crash, but why it does (post the error message^^)

i dont know XNA that well but jME has the flagrushtutorial, which is a good and working example.

Als jme has some external examples, providing quite some information, like stardust or so


Without doubt the more of that sort of material there is, the better.

Empire Phoenix said:

Als jme has some external examples, providing quite some information, like stardust or so


Stardust crashes here at work (Debian Etch, ATI Xpress 200) and at home (Mandriva 2007, ATI Radeon 9250 Pro) (since some months) whereas I spoke about a working example. Wolkenstein does not use the latest version of JME as far as I know, does it?

Alric said:

Without doubt the more of that sort of material there is, the better.

Yes and showing games that crash under Linux or/and with graphics cards supporting OpenGL 1.3 only or that use a very old version of JME or that are not easily installable by using Java Webstart is not a good introduction to JMonkeyEngine 2.0.

dhdd said:

i dont know XNA that well but jME has the flagrushtutorial, which is a good and working example.

You're right, Flag Rush is fine.

I created jme_demos in the hope that more working examples would  be created :slight_smile:

Anyone who wants to update the existing projects or add a new one, just pm me and i'll add you to the project owner list.

jME needs a few best practices or just starter examples. I agree that stardust is not the best example right now. :frowning:

Now i have a bit more spare time again and i'll try to update and stabilize it again and maybe complete it with a playable level.

@gouessej  can you provide more infos where stardust crashes? (maybe per pm, so we don't clutter this thread)

If i create a new project, i always start the same:

  • create a StandardGame instance and 3-4 GameStates (Intro, Menu, InGame etc.)

    Maybe such a 'complete' example project would be a good staring point?
Empire Phoenix said:

Well for me Stardust always worked fine, and from the beginning.

You just have to include jme-physics (for jme2) ,jme2 and the fenggui.jar, and the scenmonitor jars.

But I think it would be helpfull if you don't say it crash, but why it does (post the error message^^)

Please don't laugh about me, I had sent 3 emails to the author some months ago with the detailed stack trace and I have had no answer!

Watch this:

19 avr. 2009 20:14:38 com.jme.input.joystick.DummyJoystickInput <init>
INFO: Joystick support is disabled
19 avr. 2009 20:14:38 com.jmex.game.DefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler uncaughtException
GRAVE: Main game loop broken by uncaught exception
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/lwjgl/LWJGLException
at com.jme.system.lwjgl.LWJGLSystemProvider.getDisplaySystem(LWJGLSystemProvider.java:54)
at com.jme.system.DisplaySystem.getDisplaySystem(DisplaySystem.java:283)
at com.jme.system.DisplaySystem.getDisplaySystem(DisplaySystem.java:184)
at com.jmex.game.StandardGame.initSystem(StandardGame.java:287)
at com.jmex.game.StandardGame.run(StandardGame.java:210)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.lwjgl.LWJGLException
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:200)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:188)
at sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader.findClass(Launcher.java:229)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:307)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:252)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:320)
... 6 more

I used this URL:

Lol, the author assumed everyone uses LWJGL.

I was right, Stardust is not working.

I've used XNA (the C# Direct X equivalent of JME) and I thought all their starter kits and examples were extremely helpful, for when I was a noob.  Since JME is done by a community though, and not by paid people, a starter kit like flagrushtut would be awesome to make.  I myself think flagrushtut is inadequate for newcomers, but that's just my opinion.  If you would like to improve that or make another tutorial, I'm sure nobody would mind it.

SomethingNew said:

I've used XNA (the C# Direct X equivalent of JME) and I thought all their starter kits and examples were extremely helpful, for when I was a noob.  Since JME is done by a community though, and not by paid people, a starter kit like flagrushtut would be awesome to make.  I myself think flagrushtut is inadequate for newcomers, but that's just my opinion.  If you would like to improve that or make another tutorial, I'm sure nobody would mind it.

Lol I might do this when the JOGL renderer and the view frustum culling are more reliable... I'm very angry.

Well he problaby uses LWJGL since it is integrated already in jme, while every other needs some more own work.

regarding stardust: 1. i didn’t receive any mail that i know of, 2. yes i assume everyone uses lwjgl, 3.as i said, pm me if you have issues with stardust. (no need to clutter this threaD)

Back on topic.

There was the ‘jme - game’ project which could be such a starter kit, but it seems to be doomed like so many other opensource game projects.

The flagrush tutorial series seems to be a pretty good starting point, until someone provides an alternative.

Core-Dump said:

2. yes i assume everyone uses lwjgl

But a casual user, someone who has no competence in computer programming, won't be able to launch your game. When someone uses Java Webstart, he doesn't expect from having to install other libraries separately. Please modify your JNLP file so that it loads LWJGL, it only requires a single line, it is not a huge effort:

<extension name="lwjgl" href="http://lwjgl.org/jnlp/extension.php" />

I won't speak about it in PM.