Wrong ContactNormal end point?

Well in my opinion it does not need to use collideWith if you already have contactPoint right? Just use center of clicked geometry with that point and normalize it to get normal vector if its just direction. Or is it a bit more complex?

I mean, I have no idea what YOU are using. I haven’t seen any code. I tried to find the code that was setting wrong contact normals but I couldn’t even find code where we were setting the contact normals AT ALL.

I’d like to fix it in the engine but I can’t find it and you’ve given me no information on how better to track it down. So…

I think i found the code that is computing contact normals. Its called from BIHNode from intersectWhere method on line 412 its Triangle.computeTriangleNormal(vector3f, vector3f,vector3f, null ) . But im really not that good at 3D math to correct it. Hope it helps you. And im using standard CollisionResults class for collisions.

But the triangle-based cases I looked through were using world coordinates for the triangle points.

We can’t look into this further without a simple test case, I guess.