Xbox 360 controller not recognized on Android 4.0

crap, editor removed the code :slight_smile:

copy in the -add-android-lib target from nbproject into build.xml and change android-base to your new global library that includes your new jme-android.jar file.

[edit] from nbproject\mobile.xml into the build.xml file at the root of the project

[edit-edit] mobile-impl.xml (sorry getting tired) :slight_smile:

How do I modify the android-base global library? I could find out my self, but if you know now please tell me.

Edit: ok. I found it. I’ll try to modify it now.

I would personally go the build.xml method. that way it is project specific instead of global for all projects.

Ok. Now is reacting to my debug signals a.k.a I call System.exit(0) inside getJoyInput() to see if it is reading the method.

If I encounter future problem I’ll come back here.

Nighty nights.

glad you’re making progress. I’ll check in tomorrow. Make sure you quote me or something so I get an email if you run into anything else.

1 Like

Oh, yeah! I’m able to shut down the application from the gamepad’s stick, by calling System.exit(0) when a touch the joysticks. Yeeeghaaaaaw!

@iwgeric I tried many times to replace the SensorJoyInput with GamepadJoyInput but the way SensorJoyInput is written in the client side app and then in the android engine, is almost impossible to make it work.

Right now what I’m doing, which is an easy breeze, is copying and pasting the Joystick class (com.jme3.input) that is on the java SE side over to the side. Then I should just write like four lines of the android gamepad API and it should work.

A gamepad should coexist with the sensors… just like if you had more than one joystick plugged into a pc. So I don’t think it’s a matter of “replacing” it.

I’m not replacing anything, @pspeed. I “replace” stuff during the debugging process which is the conversation I’m carrying with @ iwgeric. After I stop debugging, everything comes back to it’s place.

@Pixelapp said: I'm not replacing anything, @pspeed. I "replace" stuff during the debugging process which is the conversation I'm carrying with @ iwgeric. After I stop debugging, everything comes back to it's place.

Ok. I just read this:

@Pixelapp said: @iwgeric I tried many times to replace the SensorJoyInput with GamepadJoyInput but the way SensorJoyInput is written in the client side app and then in the android engine, is almost impossible to make it work.

And combined it with what lwgeric was saying earlier and got concerned.

The more I delete, the easier it is for me to code :wink: Afterwards I just do a long CTRL+Z next to the new code and Voila!! Things get done.

@Pixelapp said: @iwgeric I tried many times to replace the SensorJoyInput with GamepadJoyInput but the way SensorJoyInput is written in the client side app and then in the android engine, is almost impossible to make it work.

Right now what I’m doing, which is an easy breeze, is copying and pasting the Joystick class (com.jme3.input) that is on the java SE side over to the side. Then I should just write like four lines of the android gamepad API and it should work.

When we do this for real, I think we’ll need to reorganize the sensor stuff so that the sensors and the actual joysticks can coexist together.

First thing is to get something running that utilizes the actual joystick, then we’ll look at how to integrate it into the system nicely.

BTW, make sure you include the ability Desktop has to remap the buttons and axes from the config file.

This way the joystick will work the same way (button and axis mappings) on Desktop and Android.

Right now the sensors are coexisting. This is everything I’ve changed. The Accelerometer works fine.

But the program is not calling onGenericMotion(), why is that? Don’t mind if there are some error’s on the code below, right now I’m trying to get onGenericMotion() to be called. The program is calling onSensorChanged perfectly though.

Go ahead try it yourself. Make sure that the android.jar you are compiling with is 3.1 and up (api level 12 and up).


  • Copyright © 2009-2012 jMonkeyEngine


import android.content.Context;
import android.hardware.Sensor;
import android.hardware.SensorEvent;
import android.hardware.SensorEventListener;
import android.hardware.SensorManager;
import android.os.Vibrator;
import android.view.InputDevice;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.Surface;
import android.view.View;
import com.jme3.input.AbstractJoystick;
import com.jme3.input.DefaultJoystickAxis;
import com.jme3.input.InputManager;
import com.jme3.input.JoyInput;
import com.jme3.input.Joystick;
import com.jme3.input.JoystickAxis;
import com.jme3.input.SensorJoystickAxis;
import com.jme3.input.RawInputListener;
import com.jme3.input.event.JoyAxisEvent;
import com.jme3.math.FastMath;
import com.jme3.util.IntMap;
import com.jme3.util.IntMap.Entry;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;


  • GamepadJoyInput converts the Android Sensor system into Joystick events.

  • A single joystick is configured and includes data for all configured sensors

  • as seperate axes of the joystick.

  • Each axis is named accounting to the static strings in SensorJoystickAxis.

  • Refer to the strings defined in SensorJoystickAxis for a list of supported

  • sensors and their axis data. Each sensor type defined in SensorJoystickAxis

  • will be attempted to be configured. If the device does not support a particular

  • sensor, the axis will return null if joystick.getAxis(String name) is called.

  • The joystick.getXAxis and getYAxis methods of the joystick are configured to

  • return the device orientation values in the device’s X and Y directions.

  • This joystick also supports the joystick.rumble(rumbleAmount) method. In this

  • case, when joystick.rumble(rumbleAmount) is called, the Android device will vibrate

  • if the device has a built in vibrate motor.

  • Because Andorid does not allow for the user to define the intensity of the

  • vibration, the rumble amount (ie strength) is converted into vibration pulses

  • The stronger the strength amount, the shorter the delay between pulses. If

  • amount is 1, then the vibration stays on the whole time. If amount is 0.5,

  • the vibration will a pulse of equal parts vibration and delay.

  • To turn off vibration, set rumble amount to 0.

  • MainActivity needs the following line to enable Joysticks on Android platforms

  • joystickEventsEnabled = true;

  • This is done to allow for battery conservation when sensor data is not required

  • by the application.

  • To use the joystick rumble feature, the following line needs to be

  • added to the Android Manifest File

  • <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE"/>
  • @author iwgeric
    public class GamepadJoyInput implements JoyInput, SensorEventListener, View.OnGenericMotionListener {
    private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(GamepadJoyInput.class.getName());

    private Activity activity = null;
    private InputManager inputManager = null;
    private SensorManager sensorManager = null;
    private Vibrator vibrator = null;
    private boolean vibratorActive = false;
    private long maxRumbleTime = 250; // 250ms
    private RawInputListener listener = null;
    private IntMap<SensorData> sensors = new IntMap<SensorData>();
    private AndroidJoystick[] joysticks;
    private int lastRotation = 0;
    private boolean initialized = false;
    private boolean loaded = false;
    private View mView = null;

    private final ArrayList<JoyAxisEvent> eventQueue = new ArrayList<JoyAxisEvent>();

    public GamepadJoyInput(View view)
    mView = view;
    public void setView(View view)
    if (view != null)

    public boolean onGenericMotion(View view, MotionEvent me)
    if (!initialized || !loaded)
    return view.onGenericMotionEvent(me);

     int sensorType = InputDevice.SOURCE_CLASS_JOYSTICK;
     SensorData sensorData = sensors.get(sensorType);
     if (sensorData != null &amp;&amp; sensorData.enabled) 
         if (sensorData.sensorAccuracy == SensorManager.SENSOR_STATUS_UNRELIABLE) {
             return view.onGenericMotionEvent(me);
         synchronized(sensorData.valuesLock) {
             for (int i=0; i&lt;sensorData.lastValues.length; i++) {
                 sensorData.lastValues[i] = me.getAxisValue(i);
         if (sensorData != null &amp;&amp; sensorData.axes.size() &gt; 0) {
             AndroidJoystickAxis axis;
             for (int i=0; i&lt;me.getHistorySize(); i++) {
                 axis = sensorData.axes.get(i);
                 if (axis != null) {
                     if (!sensorData.haveData) {
                         sensorData.haveData = true;
                     } else {
                         synchronized (eventQueue){
                             if (axis.isChanged()) {
                                 eventQueue.add(new JoyAxisEvent(axis, axis.getJoystickAxisValue()));
         } else if (sensorData != null) {
             if (!sensorData.haveData) {
                 sensorData.haveData = true;
     return true;



    • Internal class to enclose data for each sensor.
      private class SensorData {
      int androidSensorType = -1;
      int androidSensorSpeed = SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_GAME;
      Sensor sensor = null;
      int sensorAccuracy = 0;
      float[] lastValues;
      final Object valuesLock = new Object();
      ArrayList<AndroidJoystickAxis> axes = new ArrayList<AndroidJoystickAxis>();
      boolean enabled = false;
      boolean haveData = false;

      public SensorData(int androidSensorType, Sensor sensor) {
      this.androidSensorType = androidSensorType;
      this.sensor = sensor;


    private void initSensorManager() {
    this.activity = JmeAndroidSystem.getActivity();
    // Get instance of the SensorManager from the current Context
    sensorManager = (SensorManager) activity.getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE);
    // Get instance of Vibrator from current Context
    vibrator = (Vibrator) activity.getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE);
    if (vibrator == null) {
    logger.log(Level.FINE, “Vibrator Service not found.”);

    private SensorData initSensor(int sensorType) {
    boolean success = false;

     SensorData sensorData = sensors.get(sensorType);
     if (sensorData != null) {
     } else {
         sensorData = new SensorData(sensorType, null);
         sensors.put(sensorType, sensorData);
     sensorData.androidSensorType = sensorType;
     sensorData.sensor = sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(sensorType);
     if (sensorData.sensor != null) {
         logger.log(Level.FINE, "Sensor Type {0} found.", sensorType);
         success = registerListener(sensorType);
     } else {
         logger.log(Level.FINE, "Sensor Type {0} not found.", sensorType);
     if (success) {
         return sensorData;
     } else {
         return null;


    private boolean registerListener(int sensorType) {
    SensorData sensorData = sensors.get(sensorType);
    if (sensorData != null) {
    if (sensorData.enabled) {
    logger.log(Level.FINE, “Sensor Already Active: SensorType: {0}, active: {1}”,
    new Object[]{sensorType, sensorData.enabled});
    return true;
    sensorData.haveData = false;
    if (sensorData.sensor != null) {
    if (sensorManager.registerListener(this, sensorData.sensor, sensorData.androidSensorSpeed)) {
    sensorData.enabled = true;
    logger.log(Level.FINE, “SensorType: {0}, actived: {1}”,
    new Object[]{sensorType, sensorData.enabled});
    return true;
    } else {
    sensorData.enabled = false;
    logger.log(Level.FINE, “Sensor Type {0} activation failed.”, sensorType);
    return false;

    private void unRegisterListener(int sensorType) {
    SensorData sensorData = sensors.get(sensorType);
    if (sensorData != null) {
    if (sensorData.sensor != null) {
    sensorManager.unregisterListener(this, sensorData.sensor);
    sensorData.enabled = false;
    sensorData.haveData = false;
    logger.log(Level.FINE, “SensorType: {0} deactivated, active: {1}”,
    new Object[]{sensorType, sensorData.enabled});


    • Pauses the sensors to save battery life if the sensors are not needed.
    • Used to pause sensors when the activity pauses
      public void pauseSensors() {
      for (Entry entry: sensors) {
      if (entry.getKey() != Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION) {
      if (vibrator != null && vibratorActive) {


    • Resumes the sensors.
    • Used to resume sensors when the activity comes to the top of the stack
      public void resumeSensors() {
      for (Entry entry: sensors) {
      if (entry.getKey() != Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION) {


    • Allows the orientation data to be rotated based on the current device
    • rotation. This keeps the data aligned with the game when the user
    • rotates the device during game play.
    • Android remapCoordinateSystem from the Android docs
    • remapCoordinateSystem(float[] inR, int X, int Y, float[] outR)
    • @param inR the rotation matrix to be transformed. Usually it is the matrix
    •      returned by getRotationMatrix(float[], float[], float[], float[]).
    • @param outR the transformed rotation matrix. inR and outR can be the same
    •      array, but it is not recommended for performance reason.
    • X defines on which world (Earth) axis and direction the X axis of the device is mapped.
    • Y defines on which world (Earth) axis and direction the Y axis of the device is mapped.
    • @return True if successful
      private boolean remapCoordinates(float[] inR, float[] outR) {
      int xDir = SensorManager.AXIS_X;
      int yDir = SensorManager.AXIS_Y;
      int curRotation = getScreenRotation();
      if (lastRotation != curRotation) {
      logger.log(Level.FINE, “Device Rotation changed to: {0}”, curRotation);
      lastRotation = curRotation;

// logger.log(Level.FINE, “Screen Rotation: {0}”, getScreenRotation());
switch (getScreenRotation()) {
// device natural position
case Surface.ROTATION_0:
xDir = SensorManager.AXIS_X;
yDir = SensorManager.AXIS_Y;
// device rotated 90 deg counterclockwise
case Surface.ROTATION_90:
xDir = SensorManager.AXIS_Y;
yDir = SensorManager.AXIS_MINUS_X;
// device rotated 180 deg counterclockwise
case Surface.ROTATION_180:
xDir = SensorManager.AXIS_MINUS_X;
yDir = SensorManager.AXIS_MINUS_Y;
// device rotated 270 deg counterclockwise
case Surface.ROTATION_270:
xDir = SensorManager.AXIS_MINUS_Y;
yDir = SensorManager.AXIS_X;
return SensorManager.remapCoordinateSystem(inR, xDir, yDir, outR);

 * Returns the current device rotation.
 * Surface.ROTATION_0 = device in natural default rotation
 * Surface.ROTATION_90 = device in rotated 90deg counterclockwise
 * Surface.ROTATION_180 = device in rotated 180deg counterclockwise
 * Surface.ROTATION_270 = device in rotated 270deg counterclockwise
 * When the Manifest locks the orientation, this value will not change during
 * gametime, but if the orientation of the screen is based off the sensor,
 * this value will change as the device is rotated.
 * @return Current device rotation amount
private int getScreenRotation() {
    return activity.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getRotation();

 * Calculates the device orientation based off the data recieved from the
 * Acceleration Sensor and Mangetic Field sensor
 * Values are returned relative to the Earth.
 * From the Android Doc
 * Computes the device's orientation based on the rotation matrix. When it returns, the array values is filled with the result:
 *  values[0]: azimuth, rotation around the Z axis.
 *  values[1]: pitch, rotation around the X axis.
 *  values[2]: roll, rotation around the Y axis.
 * The reference coordinate-system used is different from the world
 * coordinate-system defined for the rotation matrix:
 *  X is defined as the vector product Y.Z (It is tangential to the ground at the device's current location and roughly points West).
 *  Y is tangential to the ground at the device's current location and points towards the magnetic North Pole.
 *  Z points towards the center of the Earth and is perpendicular to the ground.
 * @return True if Orientation was calculated
private boolean updateOrientation() {
    SensorData sensorData;
    AndroidJoystickAxis axis;
    final float[] curInclinationMat = new float[16];
    final float[] curRotationMat = new float[16];
    final float[] rotatedRotationMat = new float[16];
    final float[] accValues = new float[3];
    final float[] magValues = new float[3];
    final float[] orderedOrientation = new float[3];

    // if the Gravity Sensor is available, use it for orientation, if not
    // use the accelerometer
    // NOTE: Seemed to work worse, so just using accelerometer

// sensorData = sensors.get(Sensor.TYPE_GRAVITY);
// if (sensorData == null) {
sensorData = sensors.get(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER);
// }

    if (sensorData == null || !sensorData.enabled || !sensorData.haveData) {
        return false;

    if (sensorData.sensorAccuracy == SensorManager.SENSOR_STATUS_UNRELIABLE) {
        return false;

    synchronized(sensorData.valuesLock) {
        accValues[0] = sensorData.lastValues[0];
        accValues[1] = sensorData.lastValues[1];
        accValues[2] = sensorData.lastValues[2];

    sensorData = sensors.get(Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD);
    if (sensorData == null || !sensorData.enabled || !sensorData.haveData) {
        return false;

    if (sensorData.sensorAccuracy == SensorManager.SENSOR_STATUS_UNRELIABLE) {
        return false;

    synchronized(sensorData.valuesLock) {
        magValues[0] = sensorData.lastValues[0];
        magValues[1] = sensorData.lastValues[1];
        magValues[2] = sensorData.lastValues[2];

    if (SensorManager.getRotationMatrix(curRotationMat, curInclinationMat, accValues, magValues)) {
        final float [] orientValues = new float[3];
        if (remapCoordinates(curRotationMat, rotatedRotationMat)) {
            SensorManager.getOrientation(rotatedRotationMat, orientValues);

// logger.log(Level.FINE, “Orientation Values: {0}, {1}, {2}”,
// new Object[]{orientValues[0], orientValues[1], orientValues[2]});

            // need to reorder to make it x, y, z order instead of z, x, y order
            orderedOrientation[0] = orientValues[1];
            orderedOrientation[1] = orientValues[2];
            orderedOrientation[2] = orientValues[0];

            sensorData = sensors.get(Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION);
            if (sensorData != null &amp;&amp; sensorData.axes.size() &gt; 0) {
                for (int i=0; i&lt;orderedOrientation.length; i++) {
                    axis = sensorData.axes.get(i);
                    if (axis != null) {
                        if (!sensorData.haveData) {
                            sensorData.haveData = true;
                        } else {
                            synchronized (eventQueue){
                                if (axis.isChanged()) {
                                    eventQueue.add(new JoyAxisEvent(axis, axis.getJoystickAxisValue()));
            } else if (sensorData != null) {
                if (!sensorData.haveData) {
                    sensorData.haveData = true;

            return true;
        } else {
            logger.log(Level.FINE, "remapCoordinateSystem failed");

    } else {
        logger.log(Level.FINE, "getRotationMatrix returned false");

    return false;

// Start of JoyInput methods

public void setJoyRumble(int joyId, float amount) {
    // convert amount to pulses since Android doesn't allow intensity
    if (vibrator != null) {
        final long rumbleOnDur = (long)(amount * maxRumbleTime); // ms to pulse vibration on
        final long rumbleOffDur = maxRumbleTime - rumbleOnDur; // ms to delay between pulses
        final long[] rumblePattern = {
            0, // start immediately
            rumbleOnDur, // time to leave vibration on
            rumbleOffDur // time to delay between vibrations
        final int rumbleRepeatFrom = 0; // index into rumble pattern to repeat from

        logger.log(Level.FINE, "Rumble amount: {0}, rumbleOnDur: {1}, rumbleOffDur: {2}",
                new Object[]{amount, rumbleOnDur, rumbleOffDur});

        if (rumbleOnDur &gt; 0) {
            vibrator.vibrate(rumblePattern, rumbleRepeatFrom);
            vibratorActive = true;
        } else {
            vibratorActive = false;


public Joystick[] loadJoysticks(InputManager inputManager) {
    this.inputManager = inputManager;


    SensorData sensorData;
    List&lt;Joystick&gt; list = new ArrayList&lt;Joystick&gt;();
    AndroidJoystick joystick;
    AndroidJoystickAxis axis;

    joystick = new AndroidJoystick(inputManager,

    List&lt;Sensor&gt; availSensors = sensorManager.getSensorList(Sensor.TYPE_ALL);
    for (Sensor sensor: availSensors) {
        logger.log(Level.FINE, "{0} Sensor is available, Type: {1}, Vendor: {2}, Version: {3}",
                new Object[]{sensor.getName(), sensor.getType(), sensor.getVendor(), sensor.getVersion()});

    // manually create orientation sensor data since orientation is not a physical sensor
    sensorData = new SensorData(Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION, null);
    sensorData.lastValues = new float[3];
    sensors.put(Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION, sensorData);
    axis = joystick.addAxis(SensorJoystickAxis.ORIENTATION_X, SensorJoystickAxis.ORIENTATION_X, joystick.getAxisCount(), FastMath.HALF_PI);
    joystick.setYAxis(axis); // joystick y axis = rotation around device x axis
    axis = joystick.addAxis(SensorJoystickAxis.ORIENTATION_Y, SensorJoystickAxis.ORIENTATION_Y, joystick.getAxisCount(), FastMath.HALF_PI);
    joystick.setXAxis(axis); // joystick x axis = rotation around device y axis
    axis = joystick.addAxis(SensorJoystickAxis.ORIENTATION_Z, SensorJoystickAxis.ORIENTATION_Z, joystick.getAxisCount(), FastMath.HALF_PI);

    // add axes for physical sensors
    sensorData = initSensor(Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD);
    if (sensorData != null) {
        sensorData.lastValues = new float[3];
        sensors.put(Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD, sensorData);

// axis = joystick.addAxis(SensorJoystickAxis.MAGNETIC_X, “MagneticField_X”, joystick.getAxisCount(), 1f);
// sensorData.axes.add(axis);
// axis = joystick.addAxis(SensorJoystickAxis.MAGNETIC_Y, “MagneticField_Y”, joystick.getAxisCount(), 1f);
// sensorData.axes.add(axis);
// axis = joystick.addAxis(SensorJoystickAxis.MAGNETIC_Z, “MagneticField_Z”, joystick.getAxisCount(), 1f);
// sensorData.axes.add(axis);

    sensorData = initSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER);
    if (sensorData != null) {
        sensorData.lastValues = new float[3];
        sensors.put(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER, sensorData);

// axis = joystick.addAxis(SensorJoystickAxis.ACCELEROMETER_X, “Accelerometer_X”, joystick.getAxisCount(), 1f);
// sensorData.axes.add(axis);
// axis = joystick.addAxis(SensorJoystickAxis.ACCELEROMETER_Y, “Accelerometer_Y”, joystick.getAxisCount(), 1f);
// sensorData.axes.add(axis);
// axis = joystick.addAxis(SensorJoystickAxis.ACCELEROMETER_Z, “Accelerometer_Z”, joystick.getAxisCount(), 1f);
// sensorData.axes.add(axis);

// sensorData = initSensor(Sensor.TYPE_GYROSCOPE);
// if (sensorData != null) {
// sensorData.lastValues = new float[3];
// }
// sensorData = initSensor(Sensor.TYPE_GRAVITY);
// if (sensorData != null) {
// sensorData.lastValues = new float[3];
// }
// sensorData = initSensor(Sensor.TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION);
// if (sensorData != null) {
// sensorData.lastValues = new float[3];
// }
// sensorData = initSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR);
// if (sensorData != null) {
// sensorData.lastValues = new float[4];
// }
// sensorData = initSensor(Sensor.TYPE_PROXIMITY);
// if (sensorData != null) {
// sensorData.lastValues = new float[1];
// }
// sensorData = initSensor(Sensor.TYPE_LIGHT);
// if (sensorData != null) {
// sensorData.lastValues = new float[1];
// }
// sensorData = initSensor(Sensor.TYPE_PRESSURE);
// if (sensorData != null) {
// sensorData.lastValues = new float[1];
// }
// sensorData = initSensor(Sensor.TYPE_TEMPERATURE);
// if (sensorData != null) {
// sensorData.lastValues = new float[1];
// }

    joysticks = list.toArray( new AndroidJoystick[list.size()] );
    loaded = true;
    return joysticks;

public void initialize() {
    initialized = true;
    loaded = false;

public void update() {
    if (!loaded) {
    synchronized (eventQueue){
        // flush events to listener
        if (listener != null &amp;&amp; eventQueue.size() &gt; 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i &lt; eventQueue.size(); i++){

public void destroy() {
    logger.log(Level.FINE, "Doing Destroy.");
    if (sensorManager != null) {
    initialized = false;
    loaded = false;
    joysticks = null;
    sensorManager = null;
    vibrator = null;
    activity = null;

public boolean isInitialized() {
    return initialized;

public void setInputListener(RawInputListener listener) {
    this.listener = listener;

public long getInputTimeNanos() {
    return System.nanoTime();

// End of JoyInput methods

// Start of Android SensorEventListener methods

public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent se) 
    if (!initialized || !loaded) {

    int sensorType = se.sensor.getType();

    SensorData sensorData = sensors.get(sensorType);
    if (sensorData != null &amp;&amp; sensorData.sensor.equals(se.sensor) &amp;&amp; sensorData.enabled) {

        if (sensorData.sensorAccuracy == SensorManager.SENSOR_STATUS_UNRELIABLE) {
        synchronized(sensorData.valuesLock) {
            for (int i=0; i&lt;sensorData.lastValues.length; i++) {
                sensorData.lastValues[i] = se.values[i];

        if (sensorData != null &amp;&amp; sensorData.axes.size() &gt; 0) {
            AndroidJoystickAxis axis;
            for (int i=0; i&lt;se.values.length; i++) {
                axis = sensorData.axes.get(i);
                if (axis != null) {
                    if (!sensorData.haveData) {
                        sensorData.haveData = true;
                    } else {
                        synchronized (eventQueue){
                            if (axis.isChanged()) {
                                eventQueue.add(new JoyAxisEvent(axis, axis.getJoystickAxisValue()));
        } else if (sensorData != null) {
            if (!sensorData.haveData) {
                sensorData.haveData = true;


public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int i) {
    int sensorType = sensor.getType();
    SensorData sensorData = sensors.get(sensorType);
    if (sensorData != null) {
        logger.log(Level.FINE, "onAccuracyChanged for {0}: accuracy: {1}",
                new Object[]{sensor.getName(), i});
        logger.log(Level.FINE, "MaxRange: {0}, Resolution: {1}",
                new Object[]{sensor.getMaximumRange(), sensor.getResolution()});
        sensorData.sensorAccuracy = i;

// End of SensorEventListener methods

protected class AndroidJoystick extends AbstractJoystick {
    private JoystickAxis nullAxis;
    private JoystickAxis xAxis;
    private JoystickAxis yAxis;
    private JoystickAxis povX;
    private JoystickAxis povY;

    public AndroidJoystick( InputManager inputManager, JoyInput joyInput,
                            int joyId, String name){

        super( inputManager, joyInput, joyId, name );

        this.nullAxis = new DefaultJoystickAxis( getInputManager(), this, -1,
                                                 "Null", "null", false, false, 0 );
        this.xAxis = nullAxis;
        this.yAxis = nullAxis;
        this.povX = nullAxis;
        this.povY = nullAxis;


    protected AndroidJoystickAxis addAxis(String axisName, String logicalName, int axisNum, float maxRawValue) {
        AndroidJoystickAxis axis;

        axis = new AndroidJoystickAxis(
                inputManager,               // InputManager (InputManager)
                this,                       // parent Joystick (Joystick)
                axisNum,                    // Axis Index (int)
                axisName,                   // Axis Name (String)
                logicalName,                // Logical ID (String)
                true,                       // isAnalog (boolean)
                false,                      // isRelative (boolean)
                0.01f,                      // Axis Deadzone (float)
                maxRawValue);               // Axis Max Raw Value (float)


        return axis;

    protected void setXAxis(JoystickAxis axis) {
        xAxis = axis;
    protected void setYAxis(JoystickAxis axis) {
        yAxis = axis;

    public JoystickAxis getXAxis() {
        return xAxis;

    public JoystickAxis getYAxis() {
        return yAxis;

    public JoystickAxis getPovXAxis() {
        return povX;

    public JoystickAxis getPovYAxis() {
        return povY;


public class AndroidJoystickAxis extends DefaultJoystickAxis implements SensorJoystickAxis {
    float zeroRawValue = 0f;
    float curRawValue = 0f;
    float lastRawValue = 0f;
    boolean hasChanged = false;
    float maxRawValue = FastMath.HALF_PI;
    boolean enabled = true;

    public AndroidJoystickAxis(InputManager inputManager, Joystick parent,
                       int axisIndex, String name, String logicalId,
                       boolean isAnalog, boolean isRelative, float deadZone,
                       float maxRawValue) {
        super(inputManager, parent, axisIndex, name, logicalId, isAnalog, isRelative, deadZone);

        this.maxRawValue = maxRawValue;

    public float getMaxRawValue() {
        return maxRawValue;

    public void setMaxRawValue(float maxRawValue) {
        this.maxRawValue = maxRawValue;

    protected float getLastRawValue() {
        return lastRawValue;
    protected void setCurRawValue(float rawValue) {
        this.curRawValue = rawValue;
        if (Math.abs(curRawValue - lastRawValue) &gt; getDeadZone()) {
            hasChanged = true;
            lastRawValue = curRawValue;
        } else {
            hasChanged = false;

    protected float getJoystickAxisValue() {
        return (lastRawValue-zeroRawValue) / maxRawValue;

    protected boolean isChanged() {
        return hasChanged;

    public void calibrateCenter() {
        zeroRawValue = lastRawValue;
        logger.log(Level.FINE, "Calibrating axis {0} to {1}",
                new Object[]{getName(), zeroRawValue});




Also, I changed a few lines here

// Incomplete, for better readability on the web
protected JoyInput joyInput = null;
protected View mView = null;

// Incomplete, for better readability on the web

public AndroidGLSurfaceView createView() {
// Incomplete, for better readability on the web
    mView = view;

// Incomplete, for better readability on the web
public JoyInput getJoyInput() 
    if (androidSensorJoyInput == null) {
        androidSensorJoyInput = new AndroidSensorJoyInput();
    if (joyInput == null) 
        joyInput = new GamepadJoyInput(mView);
    return joyInput;

// Incomplete, for better readability on the web
[/java] @iwgeric

It is working now. I’m back on track. This should be finished soon. Soooon!

Drum roll please…

Aaaaand it works!

Congratulations JMonkey, we just landed ourselves a brand new gamepad support for android.

I’m able to control @iwgeric 's sensor project ( with the ouya controller on my Nexus 7. :slight_smile:

I’ll soon submit the complete code for you guyz/galz to check it out. Until then I’ll be testing this, and playing of course!!


Nice! well done.

This is the code for gamepad support for android.

A sample program for testing (

Substitute for this fixed replica (

Finally add a file to (

Please test it and submit your commits directly to Jmonkey (not to me).

Note this is not a finish product. This code only guarantees that it works with no errors and that is fairly easy to read. However, it is not documented properly, some variables might not be used, etc. You know, is not a finished code. So don’t be Judgy Judgy on my coding style.

I should be making it playable in the actual ouya device soon. This is all for now.


Update: Ouya works as is. You can play with the Ouya without any changes.



One issue we’re going to have to work through is the fact that the joystick / gamepad input support on Android isn’t supported until Android 3.x. jME has a minimum Android version of 2.2 today. After the jME 3.0 release, we are probably going to increase this to 2.3, but not 3.x. There is still 34% of the Android market on 2.3 and we don’t want to exclude this market share from using jME.

We’ll have to think about how to include the support of physical joysticks / gamepads while still having the minimum Android version of 2.3.

@iwgeric I’ve thought about it. We are going to end up using BluezIME. The solution is here, go down or Ctrl+F until the section that says “Appendix B: Demoing with a GamePad Pre-3.1”.

My goal here was to support the Ouya. I really didn’t care about gampad support for android, because I prefer using touch input and the android Sensor as the preferred input method for android devices. You know, accelerometers and touch screens being the newer input methods and all that, and gamepads being an “old technology”.

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