Zay-es changes

For example sim-eth-es:

Was going to change the build.gradle as well as fix the two parts that were missed when you made your updates.

build.gradle changes:

ext.jmeVersion = "3.1.0-beta3" 
    // We definitely want a UI
    compile "com.simsilica:lemur:1.9.1"
    compile "com.simsilica:lemur-proto:1.8.1"

    // And our base code for sim-etheral, SiO2, etc.
    // (many of these need to be built locally and 'gradle install'ed as of this writing)
    compile "com.simsilica:sio2:1.1.0"
    compile "com.simsilica:sim-math:1.0.2"
//    compile "com.simsilica:sim-math:1.1.1"  // break sim-ethereal 1.2.1
    compile "com.simsilica:sim-ethereal:1.2.1"


ext.jmeVersion = "3.2.1-stable" 
    // We definitely want a UI
    compile "com.simsilica:lemur:1.11.0"
    compile "com.simsilica:lemur-proto:1.10.0"

    // And our base code for sim-etheral, SiO2, etc.
    // (many of these need to be built locally and 'gradle install'ed as of this writing)
    compile "com.simsilica:sio2:1.2.0"
    compile "com.simsilica:sim-math:1.2.0"
//    compile "com.simsilica:sim-math:1.1.1"  // break sim-ethereal 1.2.1
    compile "com.simsilica:sim-ethereal:1.3.0"

added to

        ethereal.setTimeSource(new TimeSource() {
            public long getTime() {
                return systems.getStepTime().getUnlockedTime(System.nanoTime());


delta = (-timeState.getTimeSource().getOffset() / 1000000) / 3;


delta = (-((SynchedTimeSource) timeState.getTimeSource()).getOffset() / 1000000) / 3;

Go or no-go?

Seems ok to me.

Note: for things you are more sure about you can just submit PRs and I can comment if needed. Though I don’t mind answering here.

No problem for next commit. Wasn’t sure how messing with gradle build would affect your side.

Ok, I have done the Panic, sim-eth-es-basic and sim-eth-es examples.

I have not messed with the others yet since I have not used them currently. I will be experimenting with the Trap example soon.

Good luck with Monkey Trap… it hasn’t been tested in a looooong time. :slight_smile:

Heh, I have no choice since it implements some of the same things my game would use and I want to see them in action.

I see. It would be nice to convert it to a gradle project. That fact that it isn’t already just shows how long ago it was… since I think I haven’t opened the SDK in over three years or something.

Ill see what I can do since I am trying to use gradle exclusively now that I have finally reached the implementation stage of my game.

btw, @pspeed you may consider to come up with a new action RPG style networked game example. It will be highly demanded one :slightly_smiling_face:

Funny since that is what I am trying to do. I see the basics of it when you look at the Trap and Panic examples.

I am torn on that one though since it would open up access to the average person and that might take away fish from those who have spent the effort to learn this stuff.

Yes, it will absolutely be helpful. You will find some useful systems there, including :

  • Core of your Health System and the idea of entity buffing stuff
  • Loot System
  • Decay system

Decay system is a standard part of SiO2 now, too.

Lots of other RPG nice things will be built in MOSS libraries also. I plan to port my dialog system and at least part of the object actions system as MOSS Libraries.


Coooooooooooooooooool :grinning: