Get Random Point in Mesh

Do not add to it for ever.

Do it differently

for each chunk of your world in memory, repeat when reloading

Determine if traversable northsourt, eastwest,.
Then only store 4 boolean per tile, that contain where you can go.

Now if you need a way, find based on those using a* a way from start to target chunk.
For the current chunk the npc is in, generate/load a navmesh, to do the detail navigation within the chunk.

Advanced:_add a cost metric for each chunk. So climbing over a mountain is avoided, if it is possible to go a slightly longer flat way.
Store the 4 booleans as the first 4 bits of a byte, and use the remaining 4 for the cost metric.
That way you can have really large worlds at nearly 0 memory cost from the navigation side.