Penelope Android Game

new control added WaterMovementControl tell me what you think. In the original game the swamp water’s texture scrolls constantly away from the drainage pipe this control is designed to do just that.

public class WaterMovementControl extends AbstractControl {
	private float offsetX;
	private float offsetY;
	public class WaterMovement() {
		offsetX = offsetY = 0;
	public void setSpatial(Spatial spatial) {
	public void controlUpdate(float tpf)
		if(spatial != null) {
			float moveX = (offsetX >= 1) ? -offsetX : tpf;
			float moveY = (offsetY >= 1) ? -offsetY : tpf;
			offsetX += moveX;
			offsetY += moveY;
			spatialUpdate(spatial, moveX, moveY);
	public void controlRender(RenderManager renderManager, ViewPort viewPort) {
	public void spatialUpdate(Spatial spatial, float moveX, float moveY) {
		if(spatial instanceof Node, tpf) {
			nodeUpdate(spatial, moveX, moveY);
		} else if(spatial instanceof Geometry) {
			geometryUpdate(spatial, moveX, moveY);
	public void nodeUpdate(Node node, float moveX, float moveY) {
		List<Spatial> children = node.getChildren();
		for(Spatial child : children) {
			spatialUpdate(child, moveX, moveY);
	public void geometryUpdate(Geometry geometry, float moveX, float moveY) {
		Mesh mesh = geometry.getMesh();
		VertexBuffer texCoordBuffer = mesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.TexCoord);
		FloatBuffer texCoordDataBuffer = (FloatBuffer) texCoordBuffer.getData();
		while(texCoordDataBuffer.hasRemaining()) {
			int position = texCoordDataBuffer.position();
			float value = texCoordDataBuffer.get();
			if((position & 1) == 0) {
				texCoordDataBuffer.set(position, value + moveX);
			} else {
				texCoordDataBuffer.set(position, value + moveY);
	private void resetTexCoords() {
		if(this.spatial != null) {
			spatialUpdate(spatial, -offsetX, -offsetY);
		offsetX = offsetY = 0;

I will add moveSpeedX and moveSpeedY later time witch will be multiplied by tpf at update time and set to the moveX and moveY variables accordingly.

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