3079 on Indie Royale!

Hey all,

3079 has made it to http://www.indieroyale.com/! Here you can get 3079, Towns and Wyv and Keep for cheap for a limited time. This is an awesome event (and deal) which will really help bring in more people to 3079 and jMonkeyEngine!

Thank you all for your support!

  • Jeremy

Holy crap! Congrats on your continuing success mate :slight_smile: Another great incentive for the folks at Steam eh?

retweeted of course.

Congratulations! :slight_smile:

Thanks guys, I really appreciate it!

@erlend_sh said:
Holy crap! Congrats on your continuing success mate :) Another great incentive for the folks at Steam eh?

retweeted of course.

Thanks for the retweet :) And you got it -- next step, Steam!

Congrats man :slight_smile: well done

So, I have two questions for you:

I see on their FAQ they tell developers to simply contact them to talk about being included in a bundle. Was that in essence what you did?

Also, any chance you can shed some light on what the revenue-sharing is like? I noticed that, individually (on Desura), these 3 games are not equally priced. Is that taken into account for the bundle, or is it an equal three-way split? And finally, what’s IndieDB’s cut?

I understand if some of this information is too sensitive.

Hey @erlend_sh, sorry for the late response!

To tell you the truth, I don’t know much about how I actually got on IndieRoyale! :smiley: Alex, the PR guy for Towns, was already in discussions with the IndieRoyale team (possibly from e-mailing them?) and he suggested adding 3079 to the bundle. The IndieRoyale team became interested in it, and before you know it – I was in with Towns!

I think I’m under agreement to not talk about the revenue cuts :frowning: