3d environment for a cognitive agent programming language

Hello Everyone,

We are two students from Utrecht University in the Netherlands. We are currently working (part-time) on visualizing cognitive agents (programmed in 2APL) in a 3d environment.

Some Info:

2APL is a cognitive agent programming language in which agents can be programmed by the usage of formal logical rules. These agents are autonomous software entities that are situated in an environment with which they can interact.

For more information about 2APL see:

2APL HomePage - A Practical Agent Programming Language

This 3d environment shall be used at presentations to show 1) the capabilities of 2APL and 2) how agents can function / collaborate in a 3d world. To model this 3d environment(s) we have chosen to use JME, for its flexibility and easy usage.

Our question is: Are there people willing to share, for example, levels, models, maybe a small game that we can use to extend to 2APL?

So do you have anything that might be cool to implement an autonomous intelligent software entity in? Let us know!

Sadly we cannot offer anything else but full credits for your work.

The above is a rather short post and things might be unclear. If so, let us know and we will get back to you.

Thanks in advance,

The 2APL 3d team.

How about the JavaOne Flying Dukes challenge?

Hey chirstius,

You mean like entering the competition? Or using the environment?


2APL team

If they actually do choose to release it after JavaOne, it might be an interesting problem for one of your agents to try and solve.  So, I guess that just means using the environment and then creating rules to try and solve the "problem" of catching a flying Duke similar to the people in the contest now.  Don't know if that's exactly what you're looking for, but it would be a "well known" challenge and you could show how your specific approach solves it.

Sounds interesting, I was just wondering what kind of task you would want to be handling with the agents? Is the 2APL source code available under an open source library?

Of course I have no idea whether it is suitable at all, but you’re welcome to use anything at aircarrier.dev.java.net if you want to :slight_smile: I’ve been doing some AI myself in terms of basic steering behaviour, but any improvement in the enemy AI would be excellent. I have planes flying around fighting each other, but they don’t really have any higher level strategy as yet, nor anything that would interact with (for example) mission scripts that specify what a human player is trying to do. Again I don’t know if this is anything like what you are planning on doing, and you might well want to work with a game that is a little more advanced :slight_smile: I just like to shamelessly promote aircarrier any time anyone mentions anything vaguely related :wink: Actually I got the impression from the example scripts that a game based on a grid might be more suitable?

shingoki said:

I just like to shamelessly promote aircarrier any time anyone mentions anything vaguely related ;)

Darkfrogs Padawan!

shingoki, how do you feel about lynchings? :wink:

chirstius said:

If they actually do choose to release it after JavaOne, it might be an interesting problem for one of your agents to try and solve.
shingoki said:

Sounds interesting, I was just wondering what kind of task you would want to be handling with the agents? Is the 2APL source code available under an open source library?

The agents should take over all tasks of the "normal" human player. For example, in your aircarrier game the agent should sense enemies, it should steer towards them, aim, and finally shoot them from the sky. Of course one could also have two agents that communicate together; hunting another agent, which is the enemy.
The source code is not available and I don't know if they intend to make it open source (when 2APL is done). We shall ask our supervisor when he gets back from vacation and get back to you on this point.

shingoki said:

Of course I have no idea whether it is suitable at all, but you're welcome to use anything at aircarrier.dev.java.net if you want to :) I've been doing some AI myself in terms of basic steering behaviour, but any improvement in the enemy AI would be excellent. I have planes flying around fighting each other, but they don't really have any higher level strategy as yet, nor anything that would interact with (for example) mission scripts that specify what a human player is trying to do. Again I don't know if this is anything like what you are planning on doing, and you might well want to work with a game that is a little more advanced :) I just like to shamelessly promote aircarrier any time anyone mentions anything vaguely related ;) Actually I got the impression from the example scripts that a game based on a grid might be more suitable?

The game looks great! We have downloaded the code and are going to fiddle around with it (soon), to see if we can interface it with 2APL.
Of course we shall keep you updated! Thanks.

That's great, let me know if there's anything I can help you with  :smiley:

@darkfrog: Hmmm… would the target be wearing a top hat and monocle? … And called Gentleman Hal?

mmmm…could be!  :smiley:

You sirs, are cads!  If I ever had the displeasure of meeting you I would surely bop you on the noggin; Marquess of Queensberry rules of course!

A man whose behavior is unprincipled or dishonorable.

I take offense at such a term being spewed forth in my general direction.  :-o

A Gentleman only speaks the truth!

Gentleman Hal, darkfrog has asked me to convey to you his demand for a duel, sir, as recompense for your damned impudence!

As his second, I propose use of field artillery from elephant-back at 10 paces.

This is not a campaign in Africa my good fellow.  Pistols at dawn is the only way to duel in the civilised world.

I leave it to my second to decide the weapons for which we shall duel.

By your response I can only take that as a rejection and you shall henceforth be known as "Yellow Hal".

Gentlemen and Gentlefrogs,

we are here on a civilized 3d related forum, so the only approriate weapon for a duel is a demo.

Of course a poll would decide who wins.

I don't think that's fair…people would vote for (and some against) me just because I'm green.  Hal wouldn't stand a chance even if I just made a rotating cube. :wink:

Being an avid gamer I would be willing to fight in open-combat in a multiplayer game of Hal's choosing.  I must warn that of all my skills I am better at playing games than I am at anything else though…it's a shame I can't make a living at that. :slight_smile:

probably not a discussion that DoubleA benefits from though ("3d environment for a cognitive agent programming language")  :stuck_out_tongue: