About Raspberry development

Hi, @Pesegato

yes, you can develop from anywhere (your laptop or PI), the best is to develop the game on your laptop → push to git → then pull from your PI → compile, run & build using gradle tools.

You just need to remember the following after pulling the code into your PI:

  • clear out the object files which are Architecture dependent like libbulletjme.so resulting from testing the game on your laptop
  • add the dependencies of lwjgl for Arm-Cortex-A Systems :
    /**don't forget this in order to extract the native library lwjgllib-arm32 for arm32 linux raspiOS*/
    implementation "org.lwjgl:lwjgl:3.2.3:natives-linux-arm32"

    /** if you encounter any problem w/ extraction of .so object files or native libraries of other lwjgl component please add what's missing from lwjgl repositories
    *   implementation "org.lwjgl:lwjgl-glfw:3.2.3:natives-linux-arm32"
    *   implementation "org.lwjgl:lwjgl-opengl:3.2.3:natives-linux-arm32"
    *   implementation "org.lwjgl:lwjgl-openal:3.2.3:natives-linux-arm32"
    *   implementation "org.lwjgl:lwjgl-jemalloc:3.2.3:natives-linux-arm32"
  • Thanks to Stephen Gold, now Minie Supports the embedded systems of armv7l or arm-hf starting from v3.1.0

  • RPI4B is an arm64-Cortex-A72 with arm-32 based systems, BCM2711 Processor & a max ram of 8GB, GLES3.0 driver, so expect PBR & Lighting shaders, post processor filters to be very slow (FPS drop to 3-10), but thanks god Unshaded shader is working fine (FPS upto 54-60).

The shipped Open-JDK( java.runtime.version = 11.0.9+11-post-Raspbian-1deb10u1)
, but you need arm32 java versions, if you are going to install another version.

Take a look at : [SOLVED] Development on Raspberry Pi 4 - #66 by Pavl_G

I agree with you, we should do a wiki page for it.

EDIT : I haven’t tested AudioNodes yet on the PI, i always schedule that, don’t know why.

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