Alpha iOS deployment available in SDK – please test

@normen said: Its hard to actually get a fairer PC than a mac, or a cleaner cloud than iCloud, so kudos for spending that money.

Not really… Apple restrict everything for the soul purpose of getting more money than they’ve already conned out of you on their overpriced hardware.

@fabsterpal said: Not really... Apple restrict everything for the soul purpose of getting more money than they've already conned out of you on their overpriced hardware.

Apple always restricted everything, when they were making money and when they were not. Nothing ever changed about that except your perception and the reasons for it also never changed.

But I was talking about “fair” in terms of “the actual workers get money” and “clean” in terms of “having as few impact on the environment as possible”, obviously that doesn’t come for free.

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@normen said: Apple always restricted everything, when they were making money and when they were not. Nothing ever changed about that except your perception and the reasons for it also never changed.

But I was talking about “fair” in terms of “the actual workers get money” and “clean” in terms of “having as few impact on the environment as possible”, obviously that doesn’t come for free.

I don’t think anyone is really fair in terms of actual workers getting money.

But yes, with environmental impact Apple are far cleaner than the other hardware related companies.

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Theres some news on this coming in very soon, a new contributor contacted us… A small appetizer:


That is pretty exciting :slight_smile:

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@glh3586 said: That is pretty exciting :)

This is really great new! JME will come to IOS Market!!!

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Wow! This is definitely great news! =D

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@normen said: Theres some news on this coming in very soon, a new contributor contacted us..
First official update is here:

Go give our newest core contributor @Kostyantyn a warm welcome :slight_smile:


@Kostyantyn : I’m happy to have you on board and I’m really looking forward with doing something with you jME-iOS stuff. I hope you have a nice time here! =D

@Vortex said: @Kostyantyn : I'm happy to have you on board and I'm really looking forward with doing something with you jME-iOS stuff. I hope you have a nice time here! =D
Thanks. Currently I'm working only on graphics part, but have idea about sound, i.e. use same technique. Input still unexplored, but shouldn't be a real problem.
@Kostyantyn said: Thanks. Currently I'm working only on graphics part, but have idea about sound, i.e. use same technique. Input still unexplored, but shouldn't be a real problem.

Actually the new android OpenAL code should work for audio on iOS too…

So, I ran this on my iPad and I see… A blue Box :smiley:

As the build server is down again (@sbook?) it might take a while until you can try this out using the nightly and the iOS plugin.

Enabled VBO’s though some demos crashes. This might be related to terrain usage in demo. Will look closer to this issue.

Let’s continue discussion over here. Updated info about how to test should also go into that thread when it’s ready.