Alternative terrain texturing

lovely - like the skydome too

Much nicer… Looking really good now. What's your next step?

MrCoder said:

which bumpmapping technique?

dot3 bumpmapping for now. a second version use parallax-mapping, but its not needed for rocky terrains ;) dot3 is good.

next step is advanced lighting.
shadows and pointlights from objects over the terrain.

The skydom is done in terragen and handmade painting.

--- today the shader uses 4 texture-units and many uniform-parameter for texture, bumping, blending, shadowing and lighting
--- an editor for the parameter is coming, if the shader is complete.

nice !!

Is it possible to get the source code for education?

i'm working on a Pass class for texturing with the shader. if it's done it goes to UserCode-Section.

Looking forward to it. The screenshots and the demos are very nice!

BlackBluegL said:

i'm working on a Pass class for texturing with the shader. if it's done it goes to UserCode-Section.


und danke vorab! ;)


get it here: