Android Game Release (Bugs)

So… here it is. I decided to use this as a testbed app for Android. It really pushes what I would consider the limit of what you would want to try. There are still a few issues with the app, but I intentionally released it this way to see what was involved in pushing out updates etc.

The name of the app is Bugs… because I just didn’t feel like taking the time to brand the game.
I didn’t add a splash screen yet… so deal with it :wink:

Game Play vid:


Here are some screen shots:

And finally a link to the download page via Google Play Store:

Google Play Store Page

Anyways, I’ve only tested the game on 2 tablets. I pushed out the app for 4.2.2 as a target (this was not necessary and I will change it when I’m not so tired).

I’ll package up the project and post a link for people to pick through the code tomorrow.

Any and all feedback is appreciated!



Well, I tested this on a few other devices and got some interesting results:

ASUS Transformer: Works stellar.
HannSpree HannsPad: Works great
Samsung 7" tablet (not sure of the model): Works ok at best
Samsung Galaxy 4: Works better than on the tablets (though I need to adjust the emitter settings based on dpi… still work awesome)
Samsung Note 2: This phone has significant issues running JME apps altogether. It always crashes when they start with an OpenGL error: setVertexData something something. The note 2 is an awesome phone, and I’d really like to be able to support it.

Hello t0neg0d

I too have a few applications published to the google play store!

But I have had common problems with people crashing!

I will download your application and test on my device and give you feed back, and also suggest the people I know who test to download your game and see if there are similar issues.

But I am having many issues with my android applications that do not occur on my device

There are all my applications, made with Jme.

If you could test a few and take a look!

EDIT: Hi there, I got a crash when I started the game, OpenGL error has occurred: out of memory

I’ve sent the ANR report to google play!

So it should give you my device details and a stack trace within 24 hours

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My Samsung Note 2: "com.jme3.RendererException: An OpenGL error has occurred: " and a long stack trace regarding renderer and OGLESShaders…
My Samsung Tab3: “java.lang.NullPointerException” stack trace refers to collision.bih.BIHTree and tonegod.gui touch events

wish I could copy-paste the stack trace…

let me know if/how I can get further info to you… could not see any way to push the error report back via the device. been a while since I dug into ADB logs but I can try if you need.


EDIT: Had to use a process manager to kill the game process… once I did that and tried to run it the game started up to the menu but when I started a player 1 game I got the renderer exception… managed to report that one…

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@radanz said: My Samsung Note 2: "com.jme3.RendererException: An OpenGL error has occurred: " and a long stack trace regarding renderer and OGLESShaders... My Samsung Tab3: "java.lang.NullPointerException" stack trace refers to collision.bih.BIHTree and tonegod.gui touch events

wish I could copy-paste the stack trace…

let me know if/how I can get further info to you… could not see any way to push the error report back via the device. been a while since I dug into ADB logs but I can try if you need.


Yeah… the first is the one I’m trying to figure out. What sort of success have you had running JME apps on your Note 2 thus far?

The second could potentially be from touching the screen while it is loading… which I think I can fix (but should be fixed in the next stable release of JME as the render loop isn’t going to be called until the view is actually built and showing)

Hey mate, I’ve downloaded your app in my celphone, Sony Xperia L Android 4.2.2. So when I first launched the app, it throwed an OpenGL renderer exception, but I couldn’t send the stacktrace (dunno why), so I relaunched the app, and I could see the main menu. I started a new game, with one player, the HUD loaded, but (I think when the enemys spawned, or maybe the player’s ship; from what I saw in the pictures) it crashed in a second. This time I could send you the stacktrace, so check it out. (Also OpenGL exception)
Btw, maybe it’s just my phone that doesn’t support jMonkey. I’ve no idea, just wanted to help.
By the way, I’ve some apps on the Play Store, so if you need anything within the update progress, or whatever let me know. Not an expert, but have had some experience.
Good bye!

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@BigBob said: Hello t0neg0d

I too have a few applications published to the google play store!

But I have had common problems with people crashing!

I will download your application and test on my device and give you feed back, and also suggest the people I know who test to download your game and see if there are similar issues.

But I am having many issues with my android applications that do not occur on my device

There are all my applications, made with Jme.

If you could test a few and take a look!

EDIT: Hi there, I got a crash when I started the game, OpenGL error has occurred: out of memory

I’ve sent the ANR report to google play!

So it should give you my device details and a stack trace within 24 hours

I have the page bookmarked and will go through each of them after I get coffee in me tomorrow morning. I’m hoping I can con my neighbor into letting borrow his Note 2 for an hour or so tomorrow afternoon and will try them out on that as well (if he is kind enough to let me have it).

My Note2 starts with music but hits the renderer exception every time. requires task manager to kill.

I’m testing other jME droid apps now, will report.

the Tab3 is consistant now, says player 1, get ready, then crashes just before the “STAGE 1” text lines up… RendererException “out of memory”

Will report after trying other jME apps on these two devices


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There is a slim possibility the Note & Tab errors are due to the target version I set for the app. I’ll update this tomorrow and try it out on the Note 2 again to see if that is it.

The logs I have show the versions for the devices at 4.2 and 4.1. The app is set at 4.2.2 target version for no real reason =)

Works flawlessly on nexus 4
I’ll test on my transformer tonight

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FYI, tried some other jME apps:

Tab3 : jME Beta1 Tests: all fail: Invalid float “NumberFormatException” referring to the OpenGL thread (android.opengl.GLSurfaceView)
Flip a Coin: works (BigBobs apps above)
Mars3D: works (by Ben Papacek)
RollingStone: works (BigBobs)
TicTacToe Revolution: RendererException: an OpenGL error has occurred: invalid value, looks like a bitmap material issue (android.opengl.GLSurfaceView)

Note2: jME Beta1 Tests: All Tests Pass.
Flip a Coin: works (BigBobs apps above)
Mars3D: works (by Ben Papacek)
RollingStone: AssetNotFoundException: Interface/Fonts/Default.fnt… odd one… (BigBobs)
TicTacToe Revolution: Works ok.

I did notice on the note2 that apps were not fully closing but staying in memory…

Hope that helps someone. Let me know if I can run any more tests.


Edit: the Note2 runs 4.3, the Tab3 runs 4.2.2
Edit2: I blame samsung :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit3: “Stack3D Demo” by RamPaGe works fine on both devices.

Edit4: Odd fact on the Tab3 10" tablet is it has an x86 core cpu (atom Z2560) not the usual SoC found in most droids.

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Thanks for the feedback!

The default font is indeed a strange bug and has something to do with the app not closing properly I’ve solved this in other applications by essentially crashing it on close. But the feedback I get often is it never opens, which is what Im trying to nail down, but it sounds like that bug isn’t present on your device.

:stuck_out_tongue: appreciate the tests thanks a lot!

Yes I get that also some times.
All the jME apps I wrote thus far works 100% on my Note 2.
I did get that out of memory error before and it had to do with something I set on a material, but I can’t remember.
I think I also got it when I had a particle with one of it’s colors alpha values set to 0.0f. It has to be more than 0.0f, but I do not think that is causing this.

For some reference I can give you my AndroidManifest.xml file and see if it might be helpfull:

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>
<manifest xmlns:android=“” android:versionCode=“12” android:versionName=“2.5” package=“com.tgiantlab.cupss” android:installLocation=“auto”>

&lt;application android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="@string/app_name" android:hardwareAccelerated="true" android:largeHeap="true" android:allowBackup="true"&gt;
    &lt;meta-data android:name="" android:value="@string/app_id" /&gt;
    &lt;meta-data android:name="" android:value="@string/app_id" /&gt;
    &lt;meta-data android:name="" android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" /&gt;
    &lt;activity android:label="@string/app_name" android:launchMode="singleTask" android:name="MainActivity" android:screenOrientation="landscape"&gt;
            &lt;action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/&gt;
            &lt;category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/&gt;
    &lt;activity android:name="" android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenLayout|uiMode|screenSize|smallestScreenSize"/&gt;
    &lt;activity android:name="com.chartboost.sdk.CBImpressionActivity" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar" android:excludeFromRecents="true" /&gt;

&lt;uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="8" android:targetSdkVersion="19"/&gt;

&lt;uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/&gt;
&lt;uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /&gt;
&lt;uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/&gt;
&lt;uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"/&gt;
&lt;uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE"/&gt;

&lt;supports-screens android:anyDensity="true" android:xlargeScreens="true" android:largeScreens="true" android:normalScreens="true" android:smallScreens="true"/&gt;

&lt;uses-feature android:glEsVersion="0x00020000" android:required="true" /&gt;


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@ndebruyn said: I did get that out of memory error before and it had to do with something I set on a material, but I can't remember. I think I also got it when I had a particle with one of it's colors alpha values set to 0.0f. It has to be more than 0.0f, but I do not think that is causing this.

Thanks so much for posting the manifest. Will be very helpful!

If you remember the other issue just let me know!

As for the alpha issue, I’ll see about updating the library to use a value of 0.01f as apposed to 0.0 if it is running on a mobile device and hopefully that clears up the issues.

Hey i test it on my samsung galaxy s3 mini and had a out of memory renderer exception

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I pushed out an update I am hoping resolves the earlier samsung oom issue. It is related to a material uniform problem, but I’m not entirely sure if it worked as I haven’t been able to get a hold of my friend with the Note 2. If you have a moment sometime today and could let me know if this worked, I’d really appreciate it. Hopefully, I’ll be able to track him down and not have to bother other people =)


i have updated the app and try it again but the same problem with out of memory on my samsung galaxy s3 mini

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@Snowsun92 said: @t0neg0d

i have updated the app and try it again but the same problem with out of memory on my samsung galaxy s3 mini

Does this happen before the app actually shows anything?

Hi there!

Updated same Out of Memory error, but I did get a little bit farther this time

It said had some text pop up then right as it crashed I assume it was saying start game, or something

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@BigBob said: Hi there!

Updated same Out of Memory error, but I did get a little bit farther this time

It said had some text pop up then right as it crashed I assume it was saying start game, or something

Well… it does have something to do with a material uniform value as the stacktrace’s last usable bit of info is a call to setVertexAttrib() or something like that. Now if I could just figure out which it is =(

EDIT: This is a strange error considering what it is related to. @nehon Do you know if this could be converting values that I am setting (in an incorrect fashion it would seem) and that might be causing an oom exception? I can’t figure out why it wouldn’t be throwing the invalid value exception that I have seen before if this is related to improperly setting some buffer value of material attribute. These are really hard to track down and I’m hoping someone has seen been able to determine what this issue is from.