Android Hardness destroy being called at startup?

Hi, I just found out something very odd, if you just add those likes to the MainActivity :

@Override public void onResume()  { super.onResume(); }
@Override public void onPause()   { super.onPause(); }
@Override public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); System.runFinalization(); android.os.Process.killProcess(android.os.Process.myPid()); }

The app simple dont startup anymore …
I made an very simple test with the default basicgame, and just add those lines and got the same result as the onDestroy is beeing called by some constructor or something …
What is going on ?

I found out that who is causing this problem is the exit default dialog…
If you add this to the MainActrivity : handleExitHook = false; , it fix this problem…
Buy why ? An bug ?