So this is what I’ve been working on for the past month, a complete retexture of all modules and remodeling of some.
The Space Agency faction now has a cleaner design based on hex nodes.
Most of this faction’s modules also glow in some places and change the intensity or even pulse depending on what their status is. I had to modify the damage shader a bit so it supports layering of two glowmaps as the damage overlay also has one.
The Mk1 engine has a pipe leading to the engine bell. Also added one of the first larger parts - the agency Scanner Mk2 (on the right and on the bottom of the first picture).
Redesigned the tractor beam (left) and the shield emitter (top) so they fit the hex design. The tractor still needs new effects and there are no shields yet.
The Industrial faction is now dark metal and the command pod looks like a diesel locomotive And since the whole forum is pink atm, it’s only appropriate to put a pink nebula as a background.
Left to right: Industrial Scanner, Blaster Mk1, Command Pod Mk1
The engine and a small reactor. I thought having an airbusengine-like spiral on the front would look cool, but clearly it doesn’t even remotely, haha.
Kept the exaust shape.

Stations now have action bubbles that open specific menues when clicked. This way you can just roll up and open any menu without any docking or anything.
As I have no experience in publishing and am terrible at advertising I’ve teamed up with @empires who has tons of connections and is releasing War of Empires in a week and a half (April 12). If that goes well we’ll be working on getting newly renamed Lightspeed Frontier to Early Access somewhen in October.