(April 2018) Monthly WIP & Screenshot thread

Made a little more progress… fixed a bunch of nagging things. Finally moved the game systems (including physics) to a background thread so that I can shoot video with FRAPs again.

This video shows a bunch of random things. Steering and obstacle avoidance, waypoint walking, player control with a simple chase camera, animation that follows the motion of the mob… and finally, plasma bullets that impact with the environment and disappear.

Edit: I should probably point out that a couple of the debug states are enabled in this video including the nav waypoints debug and the contacts debug. You can see one point in the video where the mob walking around gets a bit stuck… I will need to come up with simpler collision shapes for the grate because it plays havoc with the obstacle avoidance having to sift through 100 contacts. This is also why the one plasma bullet stream slows down… the walker was back at that spot in the hall again.

Mostly the obstacle avoidance is pretty good. It’s easy to get them temporarily stuck with the power cubes but often they will still find a way to push through eventually.

The red cubes in the navigation graph debug view are nodes currently targeted by a mob… just one mob in this video… though having a few walking around is fun, too.

Edit 2: if I make another video, I’ll try to remember to toggle on/off some of the other debug states so you can see the sensor ghosts and stuff.