I released version 1.0.0 of my Acorus user-interface library on 22 March. The screenshot above shows an app chooser and a display-settings editor implemented using Acorus.
Acorus doesn’t provide graphical widgets (such as sliders and scrollbars). It certainly isn’t intended to replace Lemur or Nifty. I use it mainly to create self-documenting user interfaces for demos and test apps.
A classic example of a view cone for stealth games.
The controller is relatively simple. The hardest part was demonstrating that it works, creating the graphical tools necessary to visualize the angle and radius of the sensor, identify obstructions (green/red lines) and to modify the mathematical parameters at runtime. The visibility percentage is also configurable. The technique is inspired by the mechanics of the Splinter Cell game.
I finally decided to try Serial4j on a jMonkeyEngine tech demo, this demo tests the capabilities of Serial4j terminal IO, a java binding API built on top of the Unix terminal and File IO libraries, the demo configures the serial device at /dev/ttyUSB0 and reads data from the USB USART protocol.
The current demo is a dummy demo that implements a reader for only one potentiometer at a time connected to the 8-bit ATmega328P, the 10-bit resolution (or the 1024 in decimal) ADC output is divided by 4 and assigned equally for the 4 directions in this demo:
I plan to upload this demo on serial4j-examples after getting potentiometer-x and potentiometer-y working from a joystick module , the example should be similar to the one I did on pi4j, but this is a raw 8-bit microcontroller, that should be the hardware part of the JPluto game.
And this is the embedded code used to send the read data over the UART protocol to my Linux Machine over the USB serial converter, it depends on the shiftavr library, a direct low-level implementation for the common protocols of the AVR MCU family:
Music system is completed and working now. Theme change happens on some certain event type like death, combat start/end, day time change etc. Also, current day time is being considered.
Also added some nice clouds.
Working on the greengrocery store for the town. It will be the place for NPCs and players to sell/buy farm products. Also, it will be the raw cooking material supplier for inns,…
The example is now ready, on serial4j-examples, the potentiometer values could be optimized to be used directly as a source for the actual spatial force:
And this is the hardware code that encodes the joystick frames, the ADC conversion complete interrupt constructs the frame composed of and [y] potentiometers values using simple callbacks:
On the table near the window is a blueprint for one of the players ships, by moving the tokens from the table on the right onto the weapon positions on the blueprint the player decides what weapons the ship will have. (Walls are a little plain currently)