Are there other tutorials for JME3?

Comparison of the blender development says otherwise

I asked my 10€ bill to write up some blender docs, didn’t work.

See, if anyone of the devs had the time to set up the account, bookkeeping, payment management and information transfer for paid documentation writers they’d use it to develop the engine or write javadoc.

It’s actually a shame that the excellent documentation that lots of work went into has to be defended at all. On top of that theres at least two available books, where the work put in was and is driven by money as you suggest.

Yes, you can criticize a lot about the engine, the docs and everything around it. But that isn’t productive at all because jME isn’t some product where the value is in how good it compares and sells on a market. The engine and everything around it is a product of people being excited about what they do - constant criticism is sure to dampen that excitement.


By the way, I bought the jMonkeyEngine 3.0 Cookbook a few months ago and I’m at 50% approximately. I like it so far. It was really useful to set up my old project with an FPS camera and special player inputs.

I’m sorry if what I said earlier sounded like criticism; I just wanted to say that I find it more useful half of the time to check the source code, mainly because I’m like him, i.e. I need to fully understand something to make a product of my creativity out of it.

In my Colony Simulation post, I described how my friend wasn’t fond of jME 3.1 and how I actually preferred this engine over overly huge engines like Unity or the Unreal Engine.

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