(August 2014) Monthly WIP Screenshot Thread

Hello everyone :slight_smile: I’ll start off this month. A game my friend and I are making:

He is doing art, and I am doing programming. He has never done art before, so he is learning blender and I think hes getting really good at it, a lot better than me already.

I hope you enjoy!

@8Keep123 said: He is doing art, and I am doing programming. He has never done art before, so he is learning blender and I think hes getting really good at it, a lot better than me already.
I would say he's really good already :D

I guess I continue.
I got my solar systems working.

They are fully customizable and obviously work with my paging method. I use a file saving class I created a long time ago to get the parameters for the systems.

As you can see, they are located in the home directory in your current save game folder, where they are then sorted into the galaxy’s sector.

Here’s a typical sun.txt file.

Eventually I want some sectors to be pre-defined for the story but most sectors will be randomly generated when you create your save file (create a new game).


Looks really pretty. For some reason, I find solar systems where the scale is just bonkers kind of cool.

I’ll throw my hat into this month with my temporary splash screen for the side-project game I’m working on:

…it still needs a dragonfly in the picture somewhere (among other things)


I guess the next step is the dragonfly model then Paul ;).

Here are the gradual wips of the frog model I made for Paul

And the posed frog

Still have to animate it, but it’s completely rigged

@nehon said: Still have to animate it, but it's completely rigged

And it is glorious. :slight_smile:


Monthly screenshoot from planet8 from other scene with enemys.

Last week i have added enemys to this scene with many performance problemes.
Added 80 enemys and FPS goes to 5. Problem was Collision detection. I have solved this Problem with 2 actions.

  1. using boundbox instread of full geo for collision detect
  2. enemy physic is only enabled if enemy is near the player

after this i can add 500 enemys with only lost of 10-20 FPS.


Not very exciting, but I added a jump indicator to show where you might land as you power up a jump for your froggy:

I will probably tweak the colors some more… but we’ll see.


not too shiny, but I’ve got some basic crafting set up in-game… You can make spears from rocks and sticks =3 also, you can “stab” things into the ground, like sticks and spears (important later for traps), as well as set up trip wires (also important later for traps) (I’m having the worst time trying to get texturing and texture shading working correctly for the tripwires, which is just a double-sided quad… I guess custom meshing isn’t really my thing). But yeah, the engine is awesome; I can spawn hundreds of items and after like 30 seconds the framerate returns back to 700, it’s great! Super laggy video (from recording software):
[video]- YouTube


I am working on a FPS game…Models are just test models…Nothing to shoot at yet, just learning the engine and only have collision, basic movement, recoil, and muzzleFlash…I am really liking Jmonkey so far…I will have more pics later…CO

pic ToTtest1 photo ToTtest1.png


Ship editor prototype stuff, based on the GSoc VoxelEngine project


Hey pretty cool stuff here guys! :slight_smile: Also I’m glad that an other GSoc project is already used and capable of such of great things! . Here it’s a screenshot about new icons for nifty visual editor inside JME hope you like it! :slight_smile:


I think I’m mostly done with writing shaders for now, time to make a game.


@Perjin that is gorgeous! goodness gracious…

Update on my own project: basic attack (punching/throwing based upon mouse drag), inventory (two handslots and two belt slots), and a script-based crafting and item system (on the clientside, the assets are loaded using a script, so people can easily create assetpacks. The server uses its own asset script which can be shipped off to the client… but yeah, everything has a name, so you can change the reference url of the asset and do things that way) (but also the way the items are handled is taken from a script on the server. That means all crafting combos etc. It’s actually really nice 'cause it just takes three lines of code to add not only a new item but also all of the crafting associated with that item :slight_smile: it’s really nice). I am using Groovy for “scripting” and it is just… Amazing. It’s magical, really…

(shown in the video is creating spears with a stick, a rock, and a vine, as well as laying a trip wire with two sticks/spears planted in the ground and a vine) (also me having fun with physics)

[video]- YouTube

@Perjin wow, beautiful. Is that PBR?

@Perjin Nice, is this working like this here?

Also for some reason I must think about a chocolate mountain…

It’s PBR (at least if I implemented it correct).
The terrain is working similar to that gamasutra article, the grass is done with tesselation and geometry shaders.


what!! when did jmonkey get tesselation and geomtery shader support? Is Opengl 3.0 stable?

I modified the engine to support opengl 4 based on this: http://hub.jmonkeyengine.org/forum/topic/support-for-geometry-and-tesselation-shaders-diff/

(I do have a current version of jMonkey with those changes, I can push it to github or make a pull request if there is interest)

@Perjin said: It's PBR (at least if I implemented it correct). The terrain is working similar to that gamasutra article, the grass is done with tesselation and geometry shaders.

Cool, i have still some slight geometry flickering on my tessellated terrain. Since i am curious, what do you tessellate on the grass?

I tessellate the terrain mesh to get more vertices, to generate more grass blades the closer the terrain is to the camera. Mostly because the geometry shader does get very slow whenever I’m creating many vertices with it.
And i do sample the grass texture the same way as in the terrain shader to make the grass blades spawn in the right place.
The terrain itself is currently not tessellated.