Basic search is not that good

It tries to match your query with any part of the text.  E.g. searching for "ray" brings up hits all about "grey" or "arrays".  If you try and be clever by searching for "ray(", it removes the bracket!

You're right, it's a really poor search function especially for a programming forum.

Shame too, with so much good information to be had from it.

Usually if you're persistent, and try to come up with different ways of phrasing it, you can get there, though.

The only forum that I've ever personally found to have a good search function is StackOverflow…  While I don't think the forum search here is terrible, Core-Dump makes a good suggestion.  I will further look into setting up a google custom search for the site

Edit: phew, that was pretty easy to set up… for your gratification and testing, here's a prototype page, still haven't set up the page for total look and feel compatibility beyond matching a few colors, it works though.

Let me know what you guys think, searching "Ray()" or "new BoundingBox()" returns what you'd hope it would :wink:

Neat. How much of the site is included in this search? Like the wiki as well?

erlend_sh said:

Neat. How much of the site is included in this search? Like the wiki as well?

I included the forums and wiki..  Left out the blog as it already gets mirrored in the forum :p  I also left out the javadocs since it would return a ton of results when you can just click and scroll to the class you want to examine.. takes less than 30 seconds