BatchNode documentation, few spelling mistakes

I know its still a WIP but i saw some spelling mistakes, and wanted to try and use the diff tool, hopefully i did it right, but probably not :slight_smile:


โ€” com/jme3/scene/ in


@@ -50,19 +50,19 @@


    • BatchNode holds geometrie that are batched version of all geometries that are in its sub scenegraph.
    • BatchNode holds geometries that are a batched version of all the geometries that are in its sub scenegraph.
  • There is one geometry per different material in the sub tree.
    • this geometries are directly attached to the node in the scene graph.
    • usage is like any other node except you have to call the {@link #batch()} method once all geoms have been attached to the sub scene graph and theire material set
    • The geometries are directly attached to the node in the scene graph.
    • Usage is like any other node except you have to call the {@link #batch()} method once all the geometries have been attached to the sub scene graph and their material set
  • (see todo more automagic for further enhancements)
    • all the geometry that have been batched are set to {@link CullHint#Always} to not render them.
    • the sub geometries can be transformed as usual their transforms are used to update the mesh of the geometryBatch.
    • sub geoms can be removed but it may be slower than the normal spatial removing
    • Sub geoms can be added after the batch() method has been called but wonโ€™t be batched and will be rendered as normal geometries.
    • All the geometries that have been batched are set to {@link CullHint#Always} to not render them.
    • The sub geometries can be transformed as usual, their transforms are used to update the mesh of the geometryBatch.
    • Sub geoms can be removed but it may be slower than the normal spatial removing
    • Sub geoms can be added after the batch() method has been called but wonโ€™t be batched and will just be rendered as normal geometries.
  • To integrate them in the batch you have to call the batch() method again on the batchNode.

  • TODO normal or tangents or both looks a bit weird
    • TODO more automagic (batch when needed in the updateLigicalState)
    • TODO more automagic (batch when needed in the updateLogicalState)


      I just copy and pasted the file into my project, made changes, and applied the diff.

Thanks, the patch was applied

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The problem is not the WIP status, it just because thatโ€™s english written by a French :smiley:

Thanks for the patch :wink: