Blender associated to Java application Jmonkey engine

Hi, i’m really lost at Jmonkeyengine, i’ve donne a hand model made by blender , and i have already created an interface of a virtual keyboard , i just wanted to know if there is a possibility to associate hand’s movement imported from blender to key press event button of this java application

off of the top of my head, and my head is filled with netbeans and java awt graphics calls at the moment… so I can only remember the basics… Brain drained ← me.
The important thing is that the finger of the hand model presses the buttons of a virtual keyboard, right?

if the root node for the mesh and animation sequence are based relative to that finger, in Blender, its not that big of a problem when you import to JME. You only have to worry about transforming that node over to the proper location of the key that was pressed, and making sure it is oriented correctly so that the rest of the hand displays as you want.

if the root nod for the mesh and animation sequence are based relative to some other location, like the palm, then you have place some thing like a relational node or bone in that finger so that you can keep track of it during the animation and then do all the other checks and math that is involved with Inverse Kinetics so that the root node is correctly placed in accordance to that key finger location.

That’s the quick and dirty of what you are looking at, if I am reading correctly on what you are trying to accomplish.

edit: doh and you can add a key listener to associate/activate a “location of key on the keyboard” type event. So that when the key is pressed by the user, you can then set the location that the hand should go to to press the key in the game. That might be what you were actually asking, lol.

Oh, and to help out with the “where am I?” forums thingy, this post would probably be best filed under troubleshooting/general, as that you are looking to get started with coordinating your animations to key locations in your scene. You can also search for these terms: Node Transformations (as that you will definitely be translating your mesh and animation around on the scene), Inverse Kinematics (If you should choose to have the root node anywhere other than the finger, but this is usually “fakeable” if you have a known target offset/rotation location for the the finger to “press”), and, um… that should get you started down the right path on learning. Sorry I can’t be of more help, I’m just taking a quick break from searching for the proper way of translating from a raster of float type to a raster of ARGB8 type and then to a BufferedImage, atm.

Oh, and welcome to the forum! Glad to see new faces. :smiley: